Management at work

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"Jewel that was amazing! I will see you tomorrow at 9, I have news for you!" Gina says as she gets me to the car they sent for me.

"Okay night Gina!" I call as I get in the car.


As I get in the house I see that Harry and Louis must have just got home too. They were sprawled out on the couch sleeping.

"Harry... Get to bed." I say as I shake him.

"Okay I'll get Louis night Jewel!" He whispers picking up Louis and bringing him to the room they now share, since Harry gave me his room.

I walk to my room take off my dress and makeup and get into my pyjamas. I had the best sleep ever! I guess when you work hard you get paid with amazing sleep.


"Hello Jewel, we have some news for you. We know you are getting really big around the world but you aren't on many channels or magazines so we want you to date someone big to help you." Gina says.

"Okay... who is it?" I ask nervously.

"That's the thing... we have a couple boys you can pick from... Ed Sheeran, Justin Bieber, Nick Jonas or Niall Horan." She answers.

"Umm... not Niall or Justin they are like my brothers! Uh Nick Jonas..." I pick.

"Great! You too can help each other! I will call Nick and get him here immediatly!" She yells running out of the room calling Nick.


"Hi, I'm Jewel!" I introduce myself to Nick.

"Nick Jonas." He says smiling reaching out and giving me a hug.

"Ready to be my boyfriend?" I ask jokingly.

"Duh! You are hot, nice and talented! Perfect package!" He says laughing.

"I think we are going to be really good friends." I say thoughtfuly.

"Me too! Lets go and get some paps after us! It's really fun, me, Joe and Kevin used to do it." He says smiling.

"Okay! Lets do it then." I ays grabbing my raybans off the little table.


"Nick, Jewel!" "Are you dating!" "Jewel what about Harry and Justin?" Geezzz I was never with Harry or Justin, Harry is my room mate and Justin is like my brother!

"Did you date Justin or Harry or is it rumors?" Nick asks as we walk slower.

"Neither of them I dated, I live with Harry and Justin is like my bestfriend/ brother." I answer.

"That's awesome, it took me way longer to get so close with celebrities." NIck says laughing.

"Yeah it's really fun." I admit.

"Will you sing for me?" Nick asks quietly.

"Sure I say. Can I sing one of your songs?" I ask like I do every celebrity who asks.

"Totally!" He says.

I go through there songs and pick Burnin' up.

I'm hot
You're cold
You go around
Like you know
Who I am
But you don't
You've got me on my toes

I'm slipping into the lava
And I'm tryin' to keep from going under
Baby, who turned the temperature hotter?
'Cause I'm burning up, burning up
For you baby

I fell
So fast
Can't hold myself
High heels
Red dress
All by yourself, gotta catch my breath

Walk in the room
All I can see is you
You're staring me down
I know you feel it too

Burning up in this place tonight
Gonna sing it loud
And we're feeling right
Get up and dance
Don't try to fight it
Big Rob's for real
And that's no lie
Stop drop and roll
And touch the floor
Keep on burning up more and more
I got JB with me
Layin' it down
Come on boys lets bring the chorus around

Burning up, burning up
For you baby

"You are amazing!" He yells, then his phone goes off. "I gotta go now sorry, but I'll text you!"  He adds quickly giving me a small peck on the cheek

"Bye Nick..." I say smiling as I start walking home.

Go for a trip, you will fall hard (Harry Styles love story completed)Where stories live. Discover now