Sorry, I love you

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"Harry!" Liam yells to Harry in the living room.

"What?" He says.

"Did you tell Jewel that we're-" Liam starts.

"No!" He yells nervously.

"You need to tell her!" Liam yells.

"What did you need to tell me?" I ask finally entering the room.

"Harry just tell her." Liam says before leaving the house.

"Uhh, Jewel me and the boys are going on tour, for a month." He says.

"What... when?" I ask.

"Today, in 20 minutes." He says looking down.

"Why didn't you tell me before." I ask upset.

"I didn't want to upset you. You have been having such a great time with dancing, modeling, singing and all the concerts, meet and greets and interviews. I didn't want to make you do all of that when you were upset." He says sadly.

"You should have told me Haz." I say.

"I'm really sorry. I was stupid." He says.

"Yeah." I say holding in my tears.

"I have to go... I love you." He says.

"Love you too." I mutter walking to my room.


"Jewel, you sure you don't want to go with us." El says over the phone. All the girls were going out.

"Yeah I'm sure. Have fun for both of us." I say into my phone. I was laying in my bed.

"Okay bye Jewel." She says before hanging up.

I get off my bed and walk to the bathroom and look in the mirror. I looked horrible, makeup smudged, red blotchy face, messy hair and pyjamas. I hadn't gone out since Harry left last week. I still had 3 weeks to go and I didn't know if I could last that long. I was on Twitter and saw a bunch of hate.

"Kill yourself!" "Harry is happy to go away!" "He's just with you because management told him to!" "Slutty whore!" I pulled a classic Harry move and looked for it, since I already felt like crap I didn't think I would be affected. I was very wrong. I cried for hours. I finally get off my bed and go back to the bathroom. I go through the cabinet and find my old friend, my razor. I slit my wrist twice on each for the four comments that got me most.

I clean up my wrists and stop my tears. I go to my room and start singing the song that I always felt I related to, Breathe me by Sia.

Help, I have done it again

I have been here many times before

Hurt myself again today

And, the worst part is there's no-one else to blame

Be my friend

Hold me, wrap me up

Unfold me

I am small

I'm needy

Warm me up

And breathe me

Ouch I have lost myself again

Lost myself and I am nowhere to be found,

Yeah I think that I might break

I've lost myself again and I feel unsafe

Be my friend

Hold me, wrap me up

Unfold me

I am small

I'm needy

Warm me up

And breathe me

Be my friend

Hold me, wrap me up

Unfold me

I am small

I'm needy

Warm me up

And breathe me

I sit in my chair and think over some of the other Tweets that I was sent.

"You are so fat!" "Harry can do so much better!" "You can sing but if I have to look at you! Puke!" "Stay away from the boys! Your ugly will spread!" "Cut yourself!" "Anorexia is here for a reason... Jewel Kendrick!" "Bulimia is ment for some people! *cough cough* Jewel."

I absolutly lose it after that. I run to the bathroom and gag myself for the first time ever. It felt... really... good. I rinse my mouth aftre empty my stomach and go back to my computer. I write a Tweet and reread it.

@Jewel_Kendrick: I hope you guys are happier the next time you see me in public.


"Jewel! What is your Tweet about?!" Harry shouts into the phone, his voice full of worry.

"Nothing. I'm fine. Go back to rehersal." I say.

"Um, okay bye! I love you." He says.

"Bye." I say then hangup.


I decide to not have lunch or dinner and go to bed after I come home from filming, a shoot, a dance practise and writing a song in my freetime. I go to sleep crying myself to bed. People say I love haters, I know I do, not eating, puking and cutting was helping me stay distracted.

Go for a trip, you will fall hard (Harry Styles love story completed)Where stories live. Discover now