My walk of fame

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It has been another week. I weigh 90 pounds and I'm 18. I feel fine. I have 10 cuts on each wrist again and I haven't eaten in a three days. I drink lots of water, that's about it. I decided today is the day those haters could see me. See what they have done. I was going to Demi's since she has been in my shoes and made it through. I needed help. I already was getting sore when I danced and I didn't want my career to end when it was still only getting real good.

I put on a shirt and walk out the door.

"Jewel have you lost weight?" "What's that on your wrists?" "Are you okay?" "Did Harry finally break it off?" The paps all yelled. I just kept my head done and walked into Demi's house. She gave me a key so if this happened, I wouldn't get mobbed at the door of her house while waiting for her to answer.

"Hey baby girl, how are you feeling." She asks softly.

I finally look up and she gasps quietly.

"Jewel, what are you doing to yourself?" She asks letting silent tears roll down her cheeks.

My eyes were bloodshot, my face was red and blotchy, my hair was a mess and was wet since I had a shower, I had no makeup or jewelery on and I looked pale and lifeless.

"I cut, I'm bulimic, anorexic and I haven't slept in 5 days." I answer.

"Jewel, why are you doing this? Is it haters, don't listen to them." She says.

"Demi did any of the guys or the other girls tell you anything about my past?" I ask.

"Uh. No." She says cautiously.

"My parents died, I was bullied and no guy ever liked me. I was a loner for 2 years. I was hated by everyone. I became famous, left the two friends I had and started being friends with Justin Bieber. I dated Nick Jonas, we broke up and I went with Harry. The reason I live here in London is because of Harry! I started being called horrible things and lost it. I have cut before Demi. I know how to do it." I say making her cry harder.

"Jewel..." Demi starts.

"I have had bad thoughts and Demi I know where to cut to end it all. I know this kind of thing. I'm scared Demi. I need help." I say crying with her now.

"Jewel, I can help you." She states giving me hug and crying into my hair.

"Demi, will you please sing for me." I ask.

"Sure." She says. She starts singing Fix a heart.

It's probably what's best for you
I only want the best for you
And if I'm not the best then you're stuck
I tried to sever ties and I ended up with wounds to bind
Like you're pouring salt in my cuts

And I just ran out of band-aids
I don't even know where to start
'Cause you can bandage the damage
You never really can fix a heart

Even though I know what's wrong
How could I be so sure
If you never say what you feel, feel
I must have held your hand so tight
You didn't have the will to fight
I guess you needed more time to heal

Baby, I just ran out of band-aids
I don't even know where to start
'Cause you can bandage the damage
You never really can fix a heart

Ooh, ooh
Whoa, whoa
Ooh, ooh
Whoa, whoa
Whoa, whoa
Oh, oh

You must be a miracle worker
Swearing up and down
You can fix what's been broken, yeah
Please don't get my hopes up
No, no, baby, tell me how could you be so cruel?

It's like you're pouring salt on my cuts

Baby, I just ran out of band-aids
I don't even know where to start
'Cause you can bandage the damage
You never really can fix a heart

Baby, I just ran out of band-aids
I don't even know where to start
'Cause you can bandage the damage
You never really can fix a heart
Oh no, no, no
You never really can fix a heart
Oh no, no, no
You never really can fix a heart
Oh-oh, oh, oh-oh yeah-oh, oh, oh, oh
You never really can fix my heart


We had one week left. I was getting better, I stopped cutting and puking. I don't eat as much as an 18 year old girl should but I eat at least twice a day. I have been staying at Demi's because she doesn't want me alone. She thinks I could lose it again. I don't blame her, I love staying with her. She's like my big sister.

"Jewel, we're going swimming today!" She yells.

"Okay let me get changed." I call back.

I go to the spare room and grab my swimsuit and put it on. I look in the mirror and see a really really thin girl and realise it's me. I go back out the door and get in the car with Demi.

When we get to the beach we lay down on our towels and just talk. I like talking with Demi becaus eshe doesn't talk or look at me like I'm an effed up girl, she looks at me with love, in a sisterly way.

"I'm really proud of you Jewel." She says.

"Me too." I say smiling.

For the rest of the day out we swam and then went to dinner. I was actually getting better.


"Night Jewel." Demi says going to turn off my light. She stays every night until I'm in bed to make sure I'm okay.

"Goodnight Demi." I say drifting to sleep. I was actually very proud of myself I showed those haters I could do what they say and still be fine and get better. I still had all my friends and my boyfriend. I proved that even if I did those horrible things, those people like me for me.

Go for a trip, you will fall hard (Harry Styles love story completed)Where stories live. Discover now