Ill feeling

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(2 months later)

As I wake up a wave of nausea hits me. I run to the bathroom and empty my stomach. Harry runs in and holds my hair back.

"Jewel, are you sure you're not sick or something? It's the sixth day in a row. I want to take you to the hospital." He says.

"No, Demi said she would take me today. I'm fine Haz." I say washing my face and rinsing my mouth.

"Okay but go once you're dressed." He says worried.

"I will." I say going to our room and getting dressed. I call Demi and ask her to pick me up.


"Don't worry Harry, I'll take care of her." Demi says.

"I know." He says.

Demi drives me to the hospital and comes with me to the waiting room.

"Jewel Kendrick. Come with me." The nurse says.

I walk down the hallway with Demi behind me and the nurse guiding us to the room.


"Hello I'm Dr.Hill, you want a test right." She asks.

"Uh yeah." I say nervously. I mean I'm 18 who wouldn't be nervous.

"Here's a test the washroom is to your left." She says.

I walk to the washroom and take the test and bring it back to the room without checking.

"Demi, look with me?" I ask quietly.

"Of course Jewel." She says coming next to me and taking my hand. "On 3, 1, 2 ,3, look."

It said... + positive.

"Okay I need you to lift up your shirt, good. Now it will be cold." She says putting the gel on my stomach.

" Here is the head, the feet and the arms." She says smiling.

"Oh my gosh..." I whisper with tears in my eyes.

"Would you like a copy?" Dr. Hill asks. I just nod. I was having a baby and it was Harry's.


"Hey, are you okay?" Harry asks as I walk into our room, where he was on his computer.

"Yeah... Harry I need to tell you something... I'm pregnant and you're the dad." I say nervously not knowing whta his reaction would be.

"I'm going to be a dad. This is amazing!" He yells smiling. He gives me a hug then pulls back and kisses me.

"You're going to be a good dad Harry." I say smiling.

"Did you see her already?" He asks.

"You think it'll be a girl? And yeah I had an ultrasound." I say.

"Yes. It's going to be a little girl. Can I see her?" He asks.

"Of course." I say getting the picture out of my bag.

" She's beautiful." He says smiling.

"Yeah." I say.


Go for a trip, you will fall hard (Harry Styles love story completed)Where stories live. Discover now