First appearance on the carpet

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"Harry wake up, we have to get to L.A. for Justin's movie premiere." I say holding Darcy.

"What movie?" He asks getting out of bed.

"Believe." I say.

"Ohh yeah, I knew that." He says throwing on a shirt. "Ready."

"Lets get to the airport." I say walking to Dan's car. Paul was with the other boys.


"Jewel! Harry!"  "Is that your daughter?"  "What's her name?" "Have a good flight!" The paps yell.

"Yes, Darcy and thank you." I say getting to our terminal.

"You and Darce okay?" Harry asks from beside me.

"Yeah, lets go." I say boarding the plane.


"Jewel, is this Darcy?" The guy asks.

"Yes." I say smiling.

"She's very pretty. Enjoy the movie." He says.

I move onto the next group of paps and answer the same questions.

"Hey Jewel, ready?" Harry asks coming behind me.

"Yeah." I say smiling to him.


"Thanks Juju, the movie was great!" I say hugging him goodbye.

"Thanks." Harry says man hugging or whatever with Justin.

"See ya!" Justin yells. We wave and board our plane to Vancouver, it was time for Darcy to meet the rest of her uncles and her other aunt.


"Jewel she is precious." Lily says as I pass Darcy to her.

"She looks like you." Ben says smiling.

"She got her dad's hair though." Brody says taking a lock and looking at the colour.

"She does, doesn't she." Harry says.

"Well this has been a lovely visit but I have a shoot tomorrow, so we gotta go." I say softly.

"Love you!" We all say to one another.

"Bye!" I call walking to the car. Back to the airport we go.


When me and Haz walk through the door Darcy was out like a light. I go put her to bed and get myself to bed also. That visit was very long for all of us. Harry joins me and we both fall asleep as soon as our heads touched the pillow.

Go for a trip, you will fall hard (Harry Styles love story completed)Where stories live. Discover now