Andy içindi bu ama gitmediğini öğrenince içim yandı

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Listened to me since day one like you satanist, lesbian, cutting, emo-like nicknames stuck. Even at school I read istenildim be crushed to be offended. They got what they came for a while. In high school I've changed so much. My inner anger, resentment, hatred has increased with each passing day. But your words, that makes me one of the most powerful elements of sound. For example, "You are not alone", well the brave this storm. "my English isn't very good but I didn't develop until never going to talk to you. My biggest dream one day I watch our live broadcast in our Turkey. You know I like you, I started reading a religious place. My father made me there. I hate him. by the time I was 18, when your biggest dream to see you come to where you are. I weep for you, you know? I fell in love with the impossible, I think. You're like an obsession for me. Even if you are the slightest affront I'm giving value to them. Maybe facebook has and maybe you can follow me on twitter or you can add that if you do that I can even commit suicide from happiness. Being depressed is a very bad thing, Andy. All my heart is full of you. Turkey and precisely one t-shirt about you the agony was too heavy. I hope one day you will see my message and maybe you can write the answer.
A fan from Turkey. I love you more than anything.

Note; You are very sexy.

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