What Happened?

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Jin stood still for about 10 seconds before his brain eventually caught up with his body. Once the situation registered, he immediately sprung into action.

First, he checked Suga's pulse; this wasn't the first Suga had collapsed from exhaustion but every time, Jin still make sure to treat him with care. After making sure that the male was breathing properly, he phoned Namjoon.

The phone rang twice before the leader picked up, Jin assumed he was in his studio or taking a break from producing, reading instead.

"Hello?" Namjoon's voice was deep, raspy almost - he just have been sleep.
"Hey Joon, I found Suga."
"Really, where was he?" The leader sounded worried.
"His studio - again."

Namjoon sighed.

"I figured. That's really the only place he would spend so much time."
"Yeah ..." Jin stopped speaking, unsure of how to tell the leader that he passed out yet again.
".... How is he?"
"He's.... not looking too hot. He has a fever and when I got here, he passed out."
"He passed out?"

Jin flinched, Namjoon's voice dropped an octave and even though he was his hyung, Jin still got scared. It became harsher and probably because the group had activities to complete this week. They would have to be pushed back.

He sighed again but louder this time.

"Okay. Well... for how long?"
"Not long," Jin shrugged his shoulders.
"Maybe 5 minutes, probably even less than that."
"Good, that's good. That means it hasn't been that long then."
"What's about his fever, is it bad?"

As a reflex, Jin shook his head but realized that he was speaking to Namjoon on the phone and not face to face.

"Oh, I shook my head."
"But you probably couldn't see - well you definitely can't because we're on the phone - nevermind."
Namjoon chuckled, "So it that a yes hyung?"
"Yeah, it's a yes."
"....What should we do now?"

Namjoon went silent. He didn't know what to do but it was clear that Suga needed to be taken care of, the members would have to go to his studio.

"For now, I'll just gather the members and have them go to his studio - oh, and where is Suga-hyung?"
"In my arms, he fell on top of me."
"Then if you can, put him somewhere comfortable. I know he has a couch there."
"Got it."
"I'll bring some medicine and another  change of clothes."
"Yeah, he definitely needs them."
"Alright hyung, I'm on my way."
"Yeah, bye."

The line disconnected.

Jin suddenly thought about their boss and how he would take everything, so he texted Namjoon once more to confirm something.

What about Bang-Pd nim?


He'll have to pause the activities for us right?

Yeah, we'll just have to tell him after we help Suga gets better. And I don't think we'll really be able to do anything without Suga since we already reserved as 7 - the activities will definitely be paused. For a week at least, I think.

Namjoon was right - Suga's sudden exhaustion would prove to be a challenge for them, it was best to just take a break.

Jin looked down at his younger brother and stroked the male's black strands.
"Aish Yoongi-ah, always so stubborn." Jin whispered.

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