The Unexpected

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"Fine, we'll do this the hard way..."

Bts, the bodyguards, Bang Si-hyuk and the attempted kidnappers were still in the living room. The boys looked back and forth from their boss and the other men, Don and Phil. Nobody spoke - nobody even blinked in the chilling atmosphere. It wasn't quiet, it was silent.

Until Jimin had the sudden urge to cough uncontrollably from nothing in particular. It was an action to try and ... silence the silence within the room - if that made any sense.

Sensing the uncomfortableness of the members Bang Si-hyuk cleared his throat and spoke confidently but was interrupted by the smugness of their voices.

"Now I suppose that you all just tell us what you know, otherwise ... Information MIGHT be given away that you would rather keep ... Disclose-"
"You can't possibly have anything on us." Phil answered quickly.
".... And why is that?"
"Ahhh, biting our tongues are we? Well I really hoped thag we could avoid this but you leave me no choice."

He walked to the glass table placed in the center of the living room and grabbed a yellow portfolio that no one noticed before. While opening it slightly, he began to read from it.

"Let's start with you Phil shall we? You were born in America to a white mother and a Korean father but moved to South Korea after the age of 5. When starting a new, you found trouble in adjusting but your parents were quick to take notice of it ... You grew up ... Fast forward to the age 25 where you got your first doctorates degree for wanting to become a surgeon. Getting the job was easy since you have money but that wasn't enough for you was it? You wanted more and therefore you became an underground hacker - one of the best from what I've been able to gather - however you still have your job as a surgeon. Apparently, you're the best in your area and after YEARS of invading the privacy of thousands of people, do you believe that you will be able to keep your wonderful job? Especially since we're now adding kidnapping to the list and who knows what else you've done ... I don't think you would want to lose everything that was ... given to you? Your parents would be so disappointed too."

To say that Phil looked like a deer trapped in headlights would be an understatement. His skin was not pale like the rest of the people in the room, he was noticably darker. So when the color completely drained from his face, everyone in the room could tell that not only was he shocked but fearful of what Bang Si-hyuk could do with that information in his possession. His smug attitude showed no more and his confidence seemed to drop below 0 from the way his shoulders sagged in defeat. As of this instant, he was no longer a threat to anyone except his own reputation and status.

Don, the one who appeared to be the oldest stared at his accomplice in annoyance. He knew how badly Phil needed his reputation - in fact, it was the only reason he befriended him in the first place. Using Phil was a great way to get what he wanted when he wanted it. To give him up would be a great loss to his own status and everything that he's forcefully taken from others.

Stealing a glance at his hyung, Phil made the wise decision to speak for the pair - otherwise they might not be able to climb out the rabbit hole.

".... What do you want to know...?"

The members sat and watched anxiously as their CEO relentlessly tried to get even the smallest amount of information he could gather.

At some point, the maknae line walked over to the couch where Suga was and kept him company.

"If this were another member, Suga would be biting his nails in worry ... For sure." Jimin thought.

He chuckled at the thought causing his friends to throw him a weird look. The oldest of the three just shook it off and continued to watch from afar - waiting what seemed like forever for the next step.

The leader was getting impatient. Though his members seemed to be calm about this situation, he was not. It's amazing how quickly their roles had been reversed within seconds of their past "argument". The longer these men continued to stall, the more time this woman would have to possibly rid herself of any evidence that could tie her to this crime. His jaw hardened in frustration - something Jin quickly took notice of.

Jin knew the amount of guilt and frustration Namjoon must be holding within. He was the leader after all - meaning that every member was his responsibility - Suga included. From the rapper's perspective, HE allowed all of the members to be trapped inside the car with kidnappers. HE put them in this situation by not being careful and monitoring like he was SUPPOSED to. This went further than keeping everyone safe at this point - he was beginning to question his own leadership.

Jin grabbed Namjoon's shoulder and squeezed it assuringly while offering a small smile. One laced with concern and a hint of fear. He knew that his leader wanted to say something however, if something was said at this moment, he might regret it. Namjoon needed to calm his mind before voicing his thoughts.

"Excuse me..." He muttered as he walked away to get fresh air.

The members began to follow but Jin held them in place and gently shook his head.

He needed time and his understanding members respected that.

Bang Si-hyuk stared at the men in wonder - they were both 27 years of age. The oldest one of the pair seemed to be manipulating the tall and lanky one. It was obvious that he cared about nothing other than himself - which wasn't shocking in any way, shape or form. It was actually expected. This would be a walk in the park.

"I need information." He stated.
"About what?" Phil asked.
"About anything regarding our criminal mastermind."
".... And if we don't?" Don's deep voice inquired.

Phil down at the shorter man - confused by his actions. Don knew the circumstances they faced yet he still stood confident. It boggled the minds of everyone in the small space. The guards even moved their heads to stare at the short man.

"Surely, you know what's on the line?"
"How are we supposed to know that you won't out us as soon as we help you?"

J-Hope had only seen watched scenes such as this one in movies. He never thought that he would be standing in his living room actually watching the scene happen.

Jin could no longer keep his calm exterior. He walked up to the shortest man and grabbed his collar.

"The nerve ... " He practically spit.
"I'm just asking questions pretty boy. The only thing stopping me from harming you is my boss ... I'd advise you to back up."
"Seokjin," Si-hyuk called out to him.
"Let him go, this is exactly what he wants."

Jin watched the smirk etched on the lowlife's face and it disgusted him but he let him go.

"I'm sorry hyung."
"Remember, never let them-"

"HYUNG!" Was shouted from different directions.

One came from Namjoon who had just returned from the outside. The other came from the maknae line.

Bang Si-hyuk looked in both directions with his eyebrows raised slightly.

".... Well?" He asked.
"Suga-hyung is starting to wake up!"
"I just saw a woman with the same sundress as the lady who showed up earlier today."

Don smirked as his younger brother and Bang Si-hyuk was stuck in place.

He had a plan but it looked like he would have to change it.

Suga was waking up and his kidnappers were snooping around the building - what in the world was about to happen?

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