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Namjoon felt instant relief when they were slowly but surely returning home. The men might have tried to trick them before, but now, it was clear that the leader refused to be swayed again.

He was determined to keep his band safe - even if it meant that drastic measures had to be taken. The closer to home they were the slower his heart beat.

Jungkook still sat quietly. He was sure that his face was red from the frustration he held within himself. There wasn't a moment to spare as the leader demanded that the group return to their dorm. The youngest was hoping that he would have a chance to speak to Namjoon about what he'd heard. If something happened to the band, he felt that it would be HIS fault for not speaking up.

His large doe eyes stared at a small black stain on the floor as he chewed his already bruised lip anxiously.

"It's okay, I can just tell him when we get to the dorm. Hopefully..." He thought.

Soon enough, the dorm that Bangtan felt comfort and security in was in front of their eyes. The boys felt content that they were back home - it made them feel safe. They parked in the extended driveway and turned off their vehicles. Nobody exited the car, Namjoon was the one who'd apparently "forgotten" something so they saw no need.

However, when Namjoon exited the ambulance, he, Jin and Jungkook were holding Suga's small body - carrying him to the entrance of the dorm. The medical workers followed behind shortly.

Now the rest of members were befuddled at their bandmates actions. The item that Namjoon had to retrieve should have been inside the dorm but instead he taking Suga inside? Without questioning their leader, the members in the black van followed him into the dorm. Lately, it seemed like the members relied on their leader to make every decision and while no one doubted him, they worried whether he was making the right choices.

The sight inside the place was shocking to say the least. At every corner, security guards stood motionless - covered in black from head to toe. They carried weapons in their belts; tasers batons, there even seemed to be guns in their inventory.

This sight only frightened the members even more because why was their home - sanctuary - guarded with tens maybe even dozens of policemen?

Then, from a room emerged the man who made them, their guide in the hectic lifestyle of being greatly acknowledged by the world: Bang Si - hyuk, in all his glory.

A glare graced his small, chubby features - something that the band was surprised to see. The man was welcoming and pleasant, he rarely got angry at someone and if he did, it was for a mere second - nothing more. He stood short in length but his intimidating eyes made everyone freeze on the spot - the workers included. The aura emitting from him screamed danger.

But the leader of Bangtan knew that this anger was not directed towards the band; it was directed at the strangers standing before him. The ones who attempted to kidnap Suga and might have succeeded, if not for the intelligent man standing before them.

Without uttering a word, one of the motionless guards tried to take Suga from the arms of the others but was unsuccessful as Jin and Jungkook aggressively pulled him away. They looked over at Bang Si-hyuk, who's facial features softened looking at the overprotective boys but quickly dismissed their concerned glances. The guards were there to help, not do harm.

Reluctantly, the boys allowed their treasure to be taken away. It was quite astonishing that during everything, Suga still remained unconscious, however, this thought troubled the members.

Jin's earlier statement was true: 4 hours did turn into more as Suga lay immobile - he just wished that he wasn't right.

"I see you brought them." The CEO spoke.
"Yeah hyung, it wasn't that hard surprisingly..." The young rapper responded.

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