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Time stood still as everybody remained motionless.

The boys were startled at what they just witnessed. Not only had this girl looked like death itself but she also harmed herself as means to calm down. It was incredibly difficult to tell if she had been self inflicting or being abused by another but judging from her past actions, they thought it was the latter. To make matters worse, she only looked maybe 18 or 19 years of age -- for her to be as weak as she appeared was alarming.

The guards didn't know if they should stop her from harming Suga or herself -- it was a conflicting decision to make.

As for Bang Pd-nim, he began to understand the girl's situation a little better. Since they were unable to find any information on the girl, little was known about her, they only knew what they're witness told them. She never disclosed a name or even a description of the suspect, just the details of her crime and others working alongside her. He definitely hadn't known that she would be mentally unstable or young.

The kidnappers were shocked at her appearance as well -- they never imagined that she would be some deranged little kid. They were getting paid by a child who obviously needed to be checked into a mental institution to help fix her damaged mind. Her face was never shown - a mask always covered it and now, they knew why. Her face was disgusting.

Meanwhile, Suga gazed at the young woman with understanding -- she was a self harmer. Someone who's mind became polluted with horrible thoughts that damaged her inner perception. Someone who felt broken and relied on the pain to feel again -- who needed a hand. He wanted to hold her hand and assure her that he knew how it felt to believe all hope is lost. That everyone around you will always criticize and judge even the smallest thing. To feel that you will never be good enough for anyone -- not even yourself.

The oldest rapper regretted looking at her in pity because he once felt this way. When they first debuted, hatred and criticism seemed to follow them wherever they went - even with no logic for the negativity. It was always a fight with oneself about if you were going to be belittled for being yourself. The despair overpowered the love and he fell deep into his own shroud of worthlessness. His mind was young -- easily corrupted until he realized that his demons were mere perceptions. False perceptions that he made in his mind to fuel his own self pity. He realized that slander was followed by jealousy for something that the hater wished they could have. The hate that he continued to receive no longer degraded him, instead he used it as inspiration for overcoming the demons that sat on his shoulders.

Luckily, he had his family, BTS to help him overcome this time of difficulty but this small girl looked like she had no one. Of course he harbored feelings of resentment towards her -- she lied about something so grave that it left Suga feeling numb. Anyone else would have despised the girl for commiting an act so vile, however Suga just felt indebted to her. He couldn't get over this need to help her find herself again because he knew she was lost -- her eyes were dull, unmotivated, broken.

"I-i want to see Suga!" She shouted.

The members looked back and forth at each other -- wondering what they should do. Despite what she had already done, the young girl looked like she wouldn't harm a fly; if anything she was a danger to herself. But then they remembered all she had done and became cautious yet again.

Then, they glanced at Suga who now stood in the doorway of the dorm - barely holding himself up. Alarm bells went off in all of their heads. Suga needed a doctor ASAP. With him passing out and having a panic attack, a hospital was definitely needed. So why? Why was Suga using his last bit of strength to walk over to this crazy woman - she was the one who tried to kidnap him. He knew that right?

"Hyung, don't go over to her! She's the one who did all of this!" Jimin stated.
"We don't know what she's capable of Yoongi-ah." Jin reminded him.

Namjoon couldn't stand still and watch his hyung try and speak to his kidnapper, so he pulled him away.

"Let me go Namjoon-ah." He said calmly.
"Hyung are you crazy?! This girl is dangerous and unstable, we have NO idea what she wants from you. You can't possibly expect me to let you go to her."
"Let ... Me ... Go." He repeated.
"I'm sorry hyung but I can't do that."
"Come on Namjoon-ah, you know how I feel about this. Look at her, she's scared - trembling with fear. I know how that feels."
"Maybe if I talk to her she can-"

This time Bang Si-hyuk interrupted Suga mid sentence.

"But hyung ... I can help her."
"It's too dangerous, Suga. We have to keep you away by all means."

Namjoon pointed at Jungkook and Taehyung. He asked them to escort Suga back onto the couch.

"Guys, I'm your hyung, let me go right now."
"Minahae, but you need to stay safe."
"No, no, NO! I need to see him! Bring him back to me!"

Don and Phil were tired of watching this depressing scene unfold. Using a knife that he kept in his back pocket, Don was able to cut the zip tie that bound his wrists. It took some time but with nobody paying them any attention, it was an easy task. He barely took knowledge of his partner in crime and walked right past him; straight to where Suga stood.

Everything happened in a blur - nothing was clearly seen. But after he approached Suga, all hell broke loose. The guards turned against BTS - seizing them and holding them hostage at Don's command.

Tazers were held against their sides, preventing any movement. Suga was taken from his place on the doorway and was held at knifepoint. Fear struck the boys deep inside their hearts and made their entire bodies freeze.

Nothing could describe the utter terror in the tense atmosphere. Jungkook even began to cry amidst the sudden change in events.


Amongst the chaos, Suga stood still and watched as his members desperately tried to reach him. Even as tasers were held to their waists and necks - they continued to thrash around, all for him. Then, he took notice of their CEO Bang Si-hyuk, who hadn't been restrained -- that's when it all clicked. He was a part of it this while time.

The realization made Suga want to hurl and he would've if it weren't for Don gripping onto his hair for dear life. His scalp was burning from the harsh pulling and his already overworked body could barely stand upright.

"How did it come to this? What did we do wrong."

"Guys ... Stop..." He plead weakly.
"What do you mean stop hyung?!" Taehyung shouted.

He looked at the elder as if he had lost his mind.

"Look? Look at what-"

The boys saw their CEO, their mentor, looking at them distastefully - as if their very existence was a mistake. The only one who wasn't bound -- was him.

Like pieces of a puzzle, one by one each boy built the picture in their minds to create a greater image. One that screamed betrayal and treachery. Someone so close - so loyal and kind, whom they would trust with their LIVES was behind it all.

This had to be one of the biggest plot twists in history.

Why? For how long?

Danger was always by them. He was in their home, he knew their secrets and was able to give out any information.

Amelia looked at what she had created - all because of her obsession with wanting to be loved - to be accepted as a person with emotions and freedom, not a caged animal with unpredictable actions. Everything was all her fault ... It always was.

"Well, this is shocking..." Bang Si-hyuk announced with a malicious smile spreading across his face.

BTS could almost scream from the amount of trust they entrusted this man with. Such deception was unforgivable.

He was truly the definition of a wolf in sheep's clothing.

-Author's Note-

Mwuahahaha!! How you like THAT? Were your socks knocked off? Did the tea get piping hot and it split? Are your eye bulging out your head?! Well, maybe I'm going a bit too far but be honest ... Did you expect it??

Please, please, please let me know in the comments! I really wanna know if i made it too obvious, thanks!

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