A Hero and A Villian

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AN: Hey guys, I am sorry for missing the update day yesterday. I was debating on whether or not I should just let the last chapter be the update for this week but I decided against it. You guys have probably been waiting for me to post so, HERE IT IS!

And no, this does not change the original update day - it's still every Wednesday!

-Back to Storyline-

Amelia stood with her hands gripping the loaded gun tightly. She watched Don's gun slip out of his fingers and after a few more seconds, his body joined the now harmless object.

Right before he fell to the ground, his eyes gazed into Amelia's - looking, searching for an explanation; a reason for her cruel action. His blue eyes that once held a beautiful ocean were now dull; life draining out of him as fast as the blood that gushed from the hole in his chest. With a loud thud, he fell - dead.  A bitter taste began to fill Amelia's mouth - it was the taste of fear, of dread; of pure ... Empathy for this villainous man.

A man who was threatening the life of another - who was putting someone else at risk for the sake of his own riches and desires. Someone who didn't deserve to continue lying and betraying people on the daily - he needed to be punished for his evil deeds. He would have killed Suga if she hadn't stopped him - so why?

Why was Amelia quivering with self hatred? Why was her mind chanting "murderer" over and over again without halting? Why did she feel disgusted with her self for killing him? He was evil - a villain in this fairy tale called life. She - she was the protagonist at this moment. The moment she decided to pull the trigger is when she became the hero who saved a life.

But ... She was no hero, was she? Her hands were tainted as well. She'd also done terrible, unspeakable things to get what she wanted - what she desired, so wouldn't that make her a villain too? Did she deserve to be the one pulling the trigger - should she have pulled it at all? If Don was an antagonist in this story, then she would be too.

Amelia didn't need any praise from anyone for doing the "right" thing. If she hadn't tried to give in to her desires, none of this would've happened. Don wouldn't be here and neither would she, nobody would be in danger - everyone should be living happily ever after in their own stories. But instead, chaos ensued and it destroyed everything in its path; friendship, trust, loyalty - love. Amelia earned the same fate as her accomplice the minute she put this plan in motion.

She should be dead as well - it didn't make sense to get rid of one villain but leave the other. In fairytales, the bad guy is always defeated by the hero but this time, the hero would destroy herself -- leaving no one to mourn over her self destruction.

Rather than dropping the gun in her shaking hands, she gripped it tighter and came to the conclusion that this was it - the end of her road. At the age of 19, she would end her useless life right here and right now. Nothing else mattered anymore.

This was a chance to escape her responsibilities - she knew this. It was like cheating for a test - taking the easy way out was always best for success when you didn't study. If you don't get caught or if no one tries to stop you, then who'll know?

Was she scared - of course. Death was always a terrifying method to cope with life because what does it guarantee? It guarantees broken hearts and wounded souls that try to mend their hopelessness but never succeed. It guarantees grief and sadness but it also guarantees pain. Pain for the victim and its witnesses - pain that forever lives on deep within.

Maybe Amelia would have dropped the gun if she had people who would mourn her death or feel sad when she left this twisted world - she had no one. So, this was okay; no pain would be felt due to her absence. It was okay-

"STOP!" Someone screamed just before Amelia could place the gun to her head.

She opened her eyes - it was him in all his shining glory. Badly bruised and obviously barely clinging onto consciousness but still calling out her. Of course it had to be Suga who made her hand freeze.

"Please don't..." Suga pleaded, still surrounded by the rest of BTS.
"I know - i know how it feels to lose someone so dear, so .... detrimental to your well-being that when they leave, so do you. I can see the loss in your eyes."

Amelia's eyes widened.

How did he know?

"I know how it feels to wake up every morning and feel tired of your life - of living. Of wanting to end it all but in the end, you're a coward who can't take that life - your life."

Tears pricked at her eyes. They began to burn with need to let the teardrops fall but she refused.

"I know, trust me ... I know. But this,"

He pointed to her gun.

"This isn't the way out ... You don't have to end your life before you have a chance to live it-"
"But look what I've done ..." She whispered.
"What did you say?" He asked softly.
"Look what I've done!" She shouted.

Suga didn't even flinch at her scream, he expected it. This scene was all to familiar - it reminded him of himself. All the emotions that sat on top of her heart were finally coming to light and she needed to let them out. So he let her scream all her frustrations out because he wanted to understand her pain.

Not to mention the fact that she had just taken a life - he didn't know how that felt but the fact that she was quiet about it troubled him. The rest of his members stared at the girl, attempting to figure her out as well.

"I - i ruined your relationship with your father, I lied about your mother being alive - I gave you false hope and lied to so many others."

Finally, her tears fell.

"I ... Put everybody else at stake for what I wanted - me! You had a panic attack because of me! Your members are worried and scared for you because of me! Your BOSS - SOMEONE WHO YOU TRUSTED, HAS TURNED ON YOU BECAUSE OF ME! I-"

She began to tremble uncontrollably.

"I - I killed someone ... He's dead be - because of me."

She stared at the dead body with no expression but she continued to shake.

"I took his life - without thinking twice about it ... His blood is on my hands - his life is gone because ... Of me."
"I killed him - I'm a murderer." She finished - letting her true thoughts be spoken.

The bile in her throat finally rose and she turned away to throw up in a nearby bush.

Footsteps followed behind her, the sound of their shoes crushing the ground was loud - it irritated her ears. She turned around to see Namjoon at her side but her stomach threatened to spill yet again. He began to rub  her back as she sat there and emptied her stomach.

A while ago, he called the police and asked for their assistance, they would arrive pretty soon. Namjoon didn't understand what the girl was going through - he didn't know how broken she was. Only Suga seemed to be the one who truly understood what she was going through. However, he wasn't dim, he knew that she going through some kind of internal conflict.

After she was done, he helped the girl to her feet and assisted her to the dorm. Suga was already carried inside by Jungkook because after he spoke to the girl, he fell asleep.

Bangtan spoke to her for a bit before the police showed up and convinced her to turn herself in. She needed help - a lot of help and the best way to get it is if she plead guilty to her crimes.

Sirens went off in the distance.

Outside the dorm, there were injured body guards and one dead body. Two guns with finger prints littering their surfaces.

And inside, sat the biggest boy band in the world - sitting amidst the most chaotic aftermath of an innocent want.

It was over.

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