Plan B

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Amelia's Side

Tick tock

Tick tock

First, 1 second passed ....

Then, 5 minutes ....

Then an hour .....

And now, she was forced to wait for several hours - several nerve wrecking hours. She was waiting for her idol to show up on her doorstep, unconscious but still in tact. He was supposed to be there 2 hours ago - this prolonged wait could only mean one thing - something went wrong.

The plan that she pieced together seemed brilliant and flawless. It was simple yet complex and strategically thought out - absolute genius. Nobody could trace her, nobody could even think that she'd been involved because of how careful her plan had been.

Amelia didn't care about the consequences for her actions, they had never even crossed her thoughts - why would they? Her emotions left her a long time ago, along with reason and logic. Everything that she put into effect now was fueled off of pure desire; desire for the things she did not need but wanted.

In this sad world, nobody comforted her or showed genuine concern for her well being. She was left to fall into the depths of her own self loathing and despair.

Of course, after the accident, she wasn't left alone physically. One week after the accident ensued, her aunt and uncle offered to take care of the "poor child". It was comical how while Amelia's mother barely had money, her aunt and uncle practically bathed in it.

They were business men and women - CEO's of a self care company that sold skin products, hair products, jewelry and other items. Amelia would've asked them exactly what they sold but it didn't matter because she couldn't stand the sight of them anyway. Every single pitiful glance or cautious touch only made her feel revolted in her own skin. And looking at that woman's face was terrifying, it felt like the past had come to haunt her every time she glanced at her aunt's face.

Those same vibrant brown eyes. That overly large mouth and small nose, it was all difficult to think about - to see every minute of every day.

It was a typical rich parents story, with the parents never home - always occupied with work and neglecting their children in the process. But Amelia wasn't their child and they didn't treat her as such - which is exactly what she preferred. If they could, they would pretend that her existence was a fluke. Simple things like clothing and food were provided but they never provided it for her - the food just never ran out. But the inexpensives -- love and compassion ... were never given out for free, although it was never given at all but again, she preferred it that way.

Long story short, she was free to do whatever she pleased as the days passed by - free to SPEND whatever she pleased. The amount of money she spent on this entire operation didn't even put a dent in the fortune her relatives had. And this operation required a lot of money ... A hefty amount.

The plan simple:

First, Suga's father needed to be contacted months before Suga knew about his "undead" mother. In order to convince his father that she was indeed his wife, she paid an underground hacker to dig up any information about the woman that could be found. She needed habits, characteristics, likes and dislikes - ANYTHING that would portray her as the loving wife he so dearly missed.

It was extremely difficult to trick the father at first, every question was answered with another question and his suspicions weren't even hidden - he clearly displayed them. His utter disbelief and shock was well hidden but she could tell that he felt happy his "wife" was alive and well.

Then, she needed a false story about Suga's mother: Catherine. It was such a hideous name but nonetheless, her identity needed to be authentic - there was no choice but to take the god awful name. The sob story she recited to his father was tragic to say the least.

The car didn't kill her completely but she was in a coma for years afterwards. Apparently, Catherine's parents were overly strict and she faced abuse in her younger years. This was exactly what Amelia needed to convince him further. She claimed that her near-death experience led her father to take her back home to North Korea. While Suga and his father were born in South Korea, Catherine was born in North Korea. It was nearly impossible to leave North Korea but with her father's reputation, she was able to escape. No money was taken when she left because she didn't like her family's wealth - which explained why her aunt and uncle were generously rich.

Suga's father knew of this abuse and the control that her father possessed, so when Amelia cried about finally getting free from her parents, he believed her and even considered talking to her parents himself but Amelia advised against it. Involving her parents would hinder her plan, which is not what she wanted to happen.

Telling the story and getting Suga's father to believe her was easy, however he constantly insisted that they meet. Of course this ordeal would complicate things as well. If she showed her face, he would immediately know that she was phony - the only thing that was familiar to both boys was the woman's voice. By using a voice modulator, copying the woman's voice was a breeze. Face to face contact definitely would've stopped plan before it even began.

Somehow, she managed to make the man wait until SEVERAL months later when Suga could finally be added to the equation.

Next, insert the week BTS was given off for their health - it provided the perfect opportunity for complete and ultimate sabotage. Suga was closed off and better alone, which meant that he would likely go to his studio for a few days. His members would think nothing of it because he always preferred to be alone, so they weren't an issue. Once again, paying someone else for inside information, she was able to obtain his phone number and his surprising background.

Suga suffered panic attacks when he was younger; mainly caused by his crazy father - a problem that he never told anyone about due to thinking that it went away. The information that he received would surely cause a panic attack to occur but Amelia didn't plan on one thing. She didn't expect the rest of BTS to go looking for Suga - which was an idiotic thought anyway. He was apart of the most profitable boy band in the world, his absence would be noticed. This hindered her plan further and caused her to wait a few more days.

That Monday was supposed to be the day that she captured him however, the members showed up unexpectedly. The men who were with the members today as "medical workers" were actually outside Suga's studio but were able to blend in with their surroundings.

However, when she mysteriously called Suga to insinuate that she was his mother, she immediately knew that he would have an attack. Amelia didn't want her idol to faint but it was needed in order to put the rest of her plan into effect. Paying the men once more to aid in his kidnapping, she would finally be able to have him all to herself.

But there she sat - waiting and waiting. She hadn't heard from Phil or Don about their whereabouts at all. There's no telling what happened to them and she could no longer monitor them without the risk of being caught. If things weren't going her way then that wasn't an issue.

She tried her hardest to avoid doing this however, she had no choice now.

It was time for Plan B.

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