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As Suga was rushed to the hospital, the members in the ambulance crowded the medical worker. The male was checking Suga's vitals and pulse; trying to get a grasp of his situation. Although the worker understood their concern, it was getting a bit difficult to operate properly with so many people surrounding him.

"Excuse me, it's difficult to check on the patient if I don't have enough room to work..."

Surprise and understanding showed on the members faces. Of course he would need space to help Suga but the members couldn't help but worry about their older rapper.

"Oh we're sorry sir, we're just..."
"Worried?" He answered for the band.
"I understand, however it's important that I have room to work on the patient in case of an emergency."
"Right, right. Again, sorry." The leader apologized.

The only members present on the ambulance were Namjoon, Jungkook and Jin; everyone else followed in the van. Everyone wanted to ride along with their oldest rapper, however the small truck didn't offer enough room for the desperate members, forcing them to comply to riding in the black vehicle.

"His vitals seem fine however his breathing is unstable ... Is this a regular occurrence?" The male worker questioned.
"No, I'm sure that this is not a regular thing. Today he just wouldn't breathe and we tried to help him but... Yeah."
"Alright, well I'll need to check him into a room at the hospital and no worries - this is a private hospital Mr. Kim. We value our patients privacy." The medical worker assured with a kind smile.

Namjoon smiled nervously and thanked him.

Jin was deeply troubled. Was he the only one who felt as if his airflow was restricted? Or that his heart was likely to stop beating due the unexpected events taking place? His mind was battling with itself - the positive outcomes against the negatives, the good vs the bad. How else could one explain that their heart nearly stopped after seeing Suga's body collapse onto the floor? How did the other members remain calm and if not that, at least collected? Namjoon was the leader because he possessed the skill to overcome hurdles and obstacles gradually and calmly but even he must be worried.

Jin's thoughts were right. Namjoon WAS worried. Nothing could compare to the fear he felt after seeing Suga go limp onto the floor. The image replayed in his mind like an annoying memory and it scared him. It scared him to an uncanny extent because his hyung had just passed out 2 days prior and now, he was in the same predicament.

The precious maknae didn't know what to feel, how to feel because his feelings were unexplainable. He was sad in contrast to the older members and although he tried to assure himself, the tears continued to flow. He felt as though it wasn't fair that this event had even occured. Suga-hyung was a good person who had a deep passion for music. A rare passion that couldn't be found else where so why? Why was he lying on this stretcher preparing to be checked into a hospital?

It didn't make sense. Jungkook felt as though their life - BTS's life - had become a playground for fate. Fate was determined to make a mess of the lives Bangtan had made for themselves and it was becoming more and more difficult to deal with the pressure of the unexpected events occurring.

Jungkook's tears weren't from sadness or anger now but frustration and confusion for both his band and their rapper who lay unconscious in front of him.

The sounds of sirens echoed on the streets as BTS slowly reached their destination. It was morning but because of the gloomy sky, it felt as though it were the middle of the night. The day was eerie and unpredictable, it wasn't a very good day at all. With every single obstacle came a greater one and the boys were leaping over them to make it to the finish. However, perseverance didn't always help someone move forward. A little rain is always needed before the sun can shine and create a beautiful rainbow in its path.

The vehicle continued to drive along the street and took a turn, heading for a tunnel that looked unfamiliar.

The members in the van blindly followed the truck in hopes that Suga would be safe and sound getting better soon. But that didn't happen. The ambulance truck stopped inside of the tunnel. It sat there unmoving, with its sirens off and the gas no longer running.

The anxiety heightened in the van once the members saw no signs of departure or entry. The truck stood stationary.

J-Hope immediately phoned the other members.

"What the... Is something wrong with the truck?" J-hope asked himself.

The phone rang a total of 3 times before it was declined, which was odd. If the members had stopped the car, did that mean that Suga had gotten worse? But then why did the car stop? He tried to call again but this time was sent to voicemail on the first ring.

Taehyung and Jimin also tried to call but no answer.

"Hyung.... What's going on?" Jimin said anxiously.

J-Hope had no idea. It was a simple task to go to the truck and find out what the issue was. So why did his feet refuse to move? Why did his body stay frigid, stationary - the same as the vehicle before him?

Taehyung might've been the second youngest, but when it came to protecting those he cared about, he became an entirely different person. Usually he saw no need to interfere in such matters but for some reason, his senses were on high alert. Not only was the band separated, but Suga was also vulnerable, what was going on?

Then, a knock persisted on the door of the black van. The sound wasn't pleasing. Whomever was on the other side intended to break the door with their pounding - at least that's how it felt. All three band mates sat paralyzed. Nobody moved a muscle, except for J-Hope who removed himself from the drivers seat to sit in the back with the younger members.

The windows to their vehicle were tinted, thankfully, but if the person knew that the other half of the group was inside the van, then the shielded windows made no difference.

Jimin wondered about the other members inside of the ambulance. What happened to them? Were they safe? And what fate waited for them outside the door?

His voice had escaped him so he couldn't ask these questions aloud but they still sat in his mind.

It was silent in the car. Even their breaths became ragged from attempting to make no sounds. Did danger lie behind that door?

"Open the door..." A voice said.

Clutching his hyung's hand Jimin shook his head silently, as if the stranger could see him from the outside.

The banging got louder and the stranger became impatient.

"Open the door!" He aggressively plead.

Taehyung decided that pretending to ignore the voice was futile. They wouldn't leave until they got what they wanted and right now, they wanted the door opened. What else could be done in this tense situation? To avoid further conflict Taehyung stood up and reached for the door.

His hands and legs were trembling and his eyes threatened to spill tears but he wouldn't let them fall.

He opened the door and the dark sky revealed a familiar face that made all his fear vanish.

"Namjoon-hyung...?" His voice trembled.

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