Tear Stained Face

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Suga hadn't even noticed, but all of his crying had made him fall asleep. He didn't know when it happened or how but here he was; fast asleep in his bed.

The minute that Suga kicked Jimin out of his room, he knew there was something wrong with his hyung. He wouldn't just kick him out without giving a reason. A REAL reason at least.
He immediately went to find the rest of the members and share his concerns.
So here they all were, gathered in the kitchen trying to piece together what exactly was bothering Suga.

"Maybe, it's still because of what hyung said?" J-Hope said hesitantly.

Everybody turned to look at Jin who still felt guilty, but refused to accept that as the reason. He knew his words hurt him but Suga wasn't the type to linger on things. It was one of his strong suits. If he was holding on to something, it would have to be of great importance to him.

"I mean it could be, but think about it. Hyung isn't really that type of person to dwell on such simple things." Namjoon concluded.
"Well then, what else could it be?" Taehyung asked.
"Let's retrace our steps...well HIS steps I mean. What happened when I left to eat lunch Jimin?" Jin asked.

Jimin brought his hand up to his chin as he thought of what happened.

'Nothing much' He thought to himself.
'Hmmm, what happened?'
"Ah!" He exclaimed.
"I asked hyung did he want me to give him a massage. At first he was hesitant but I convinced him that he needed it so he let me. Then I got on his bed so that I could massage his shoulders and while I was massaging him, my hand went under his shirt and I felt-"
"What do you mean your hand went under his shirt?" Jungkook asked jealously.

Jin sent him a hard glare after he spoke.

"Not the time Kook." J-Hope said; even though he himself was also a little jealous that Jimin got to massage Suga.

Rolling his eyes, Jimin continued his explanation.
"Anyway, I was about to say that I felt a huge scar on hyung's back. Like it was HUGE! It went from his shoulder to the middle of his back."
"And his skin was so soft." Jimin mumbled quietly to himself.

Jungkook heard and rolled his eyes. Jimin caught it and smiled innocently at Jungkook; purposely provoking him.

"After I asked what the scar was, he waved it off and claimed that it was always there. Then that's when he started acting funny. He told me that he was tired but just beforehand he told me he wasn't and-"

"Wait, how did he wake up?" Jin asked suspiciously.

"Umm... I may have woke him up but it was on accident! I was just trying to move the chair closer to his bed so that I could see him better."
"Seriously Jimin I told you specifically NOT to wake him up." Jin scolded.

"In my defense the chair was too far away hyung. How could you sit a MILE away from someone when they ask you to sit with them?"
" Jimin-" Jin began to say angrily.
"No, no, no we're trying to help Suga-hyung don't scold him yet hyung." J-Hope intervened.

Sighing aggressively, Jin rolled his eyes and focused on the topic at hand: Suga.

"Well did he say anything else about the scar or where it came from?" Taehyung asked.
"No, not really but after it was mentioned, that's when he asked me to leave." Jimin replied.

Well, now all the group knew why Suga closed himself off from them. But now all they needed to do was figure out what it meant. What did his scar mean and why was it so important to Suga? The only way to figure out what happened, is to ask Suga himself what happened. But the question still stood: Did Suga trust them enough to explain?

"Well, we could go ask him but I doubt he'd let us in." Jimin said.
"I think that he would come if it was something serious." Joon said.

"I could ask if he wants to come to the kitchen? I mean he doesn't have to know until he gets to the kitchen.." Jungkook trailed off.

"I mean that WOULD be tricking him but... I'm worried... I guess Kook." Jin replied - having a mini debate inside his mind.
"Are you sure hyung, we could just wait till he comes to us." Jimin said.
"But I'm afraid that he won't do that. He'll probably keep it to himself like he usually does and I don't want that." Jin answered.
"Go ahead Kook, we'll wait for ya." Namjoon said.

"Kay hyungs, guess I'll be right back." Jungkook said while getting up from the couch.

As he walked down the hallway, he began to get anxious. Maybe Suga didn't want to be bothered at the moment. He wasn't one to share his feelings but there could be times where he would voice his opinion. There was no telling what Jungkook would witness once he entered Suga's room.
Quietly he knocked on his hyung's door; he wouldn't just burst in, that would be rude.
"Hyung?" He said after knocking three times.
"We- uh, we're in the kitchen."
"Umm... We were discussing..."

Jungkook didn't know what to say to convince his hyung to come with him. Should he say that they wanted to eat with him? Maybe he should say that they were discussing the schedule for next week? Something important...?

"We're just hanging out and we wanted to know if you wanted to hang too?" Jungkook said nervously.

He slapped himself on the forehead as the words tumbled out of his mouth.

'Wow Kook, "hang out"? Because that's so important. Someone else should've come to get him.' Jungkook thought to himself.

Jungkook waited for a brief moment; expecting the older one to respond.
When he didn't Jungkook called his name.
He waited again but he didn't hear a response. Gathering his courage he slightly opened Suga's door - peeking his head inside.

There lay his adorable hyung underneath his covers, snoring softly. He silently opened the door more but only enough for his body to enter the room. Once he approached his hyung he saw that Suga was indeed sleep.
However, that isn't why Jungkook couldn't look away. The tears that stained his hyung's face prevented him from leaving.

Softly, he whispered:
"Oh hyung..."
He stroked his cheek and fixed his cover - fully pulling it on him.
Backing up, he exited Suga's room and closed the door. Trying to control his own emotions, he entered the kitchen to find his members looking at him confusedly.

"Where's hyung? Did he let you into his room?" J-Hope asked worriedly.
Chuckling nervously, Jungkook reached up to rub the back of his neck.
"Actually, hyung's sleep right now..."
"O...kay... Why do you look so nervous?" Taehyung asked.
"Hyung was crying." Jungkook said hesitantly.
"Oh..." Taehyung replied.

The atmosphere immediately saddened. An uncomfortable silence fell over the entire kitchen - no one said a word.
One, because Suga rarely cried. He wasn't emotionless but to hear that he was crying was a bit shocking to the members. But it didn't surprise them too much; he was human after all. Of course he would cry if he felt the need to.
"Suga, what's wrong?" Jin whispered to himself.
"We definitely have to talk to him once he wakes up... To hear that hyung is crying is - its hard to digest. He almost NEVER cries. It's just not... HIM." Namjoon said.

Multiple responses were heard and seen throughout the room; mainly consisting of grunts and small head nods.
"I hope hyung can talk to us... At least about THIS." J-Hope said.

Jin turned his head to glance at J-Hope; he'd been surprisingly quiet during their discussion. But Jin thought nothing of it because he understood. He didn't need to speak because his eyes said it all. They held worry and frustration; something Jin felt himself.

Sighing, Jin agreed with J-Hope.
"Yeah, I hope he can too."

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