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J-Hope, Jimin and Taehyung sat silently in the black van. They had much to think about, much to ponder and question.

Jimin and Taehyung were huddled in the back mutely communicating with each other. Taehyung knew that Jimin wouldn't speak after what had happened only minutes ago. He stayed by his side and attempted to comfort him to the best of his ability.

J-Hope of course noticed this - being the attentive hyung he is. He hadn't began to drive yet - he waited for Namjoon's command, however he sat at the wheel throwing the younger ones concerned glances. Their fear and uncertainty was understandable but Jin had been right; in this situation, it was best to listen to their leader. He had never steered them in the wrong direction before and he didn't plan to any time soon.

But it was odd waiting for Namjoon to allow them to leave. He had been rushing them before but now, nothing was happening - were the others okay?

In the ambulance, Namjoon had yet to confront the "workers" about their undercover job. He wondered how he should approach them. This could go one of two ways: he could either ask and they lied or he asked and they told the truth. But those options still didn't ensure their safety because after finding out that he knew, they could report it to the woman in charge or worse: do what they were about to before the car stopped.

As he thought, his leg bounced uncontrollably and the frown on his face deepened. His jaw ticked and he squeezed his hands together tightly in his lap - how was he supposed to go about this?

Jin took notice of his tension as did Jungkook - who had been shockingly silent during everything that progressed. In fact, he seemed unfazed by the whole situation; calm. Jin looked between both of the aloof boys and took a deep breath before trying to comfort the two.

"Hey, you guys okay?" The uneasiness was likely present in his facial features but he kept his voice neutral.

Namjoon jumped - shocked by the sudden question. Jungkook merely turned to his face to Jin with no signs of wanting to speak.

Now Namjoon's behavior was understandable - the information he received HAD to be important. However, Jungkook was acting strange; stranger than usual. That's when it dawned on Jin that he had been left behind when Namjoon went to speak to the others. They had completely forgotten that he was even in the car because of how quiet he was.

"Sorry hyung, I was ... Thinking."
"Well you should tell the others that we can leave now, there's no reason for us to sit here anymore ... Right?"

"If only you knew hyung."

"Um-yeah there is no reason,"

He looked at the driver through the rearview mirror to see him already looking back at him suspiciously.

"No reason at all."

The leader grabbed his cellphone and called Taehyung; telling him to inform J-Hope that it was okay to leave. He also told him to tell Jimin that he was sorry for yelling at him - he felt guilty.

It was at this point that Namjoon actually took in his surroundings, one of them being Jungkook. His sharp eyebrows shot up in curiosity. He hadn't heard the maknae speak or so much as look up from the ground beneath them.

Lightly tapping his shoulder, the leader showed Jungkook a thumbs up to which Jungkook simply shook his head at.

"Hey, are you sure you're okay Kook?"
".... Yeah, fine." The youngest responded after moments of silence.
"Okay then."

Jungkook wished that his hyungs could see through his facade and pry just a bit. He wanted them to ask him once more if he was "okay" because in reality, he wasn't. His uneasiness began when Jin and Namjoon left the car to inform the other members. The two men in the ambulance got up quickly to discuss with each other the moment the older men departed.

Being the respectful person he is, he tried not to interfere in their conversation. He paid them no mind for about 5 minutes until he heard his hyung being mentioned. They all but whispered, "Suga" and something more but he couldn't exactly hear very much, considering that the men stepped outside to speak.

The youngest slowly crept to the window of the small vehicle and attempted to listen in on their conversation. What he heard, was unbelievable.

"I think the leader knows what's up..."
"That phone call earlier and plus he keeps looking between the both of us."
"He can't get in the way Phil."

The shorter man's name was Phil?

"I know Don, but if he does know, what are we supposed to do? The boss wants them alive and unharmed. In fact, she only wants the unconscious one."
"But if they get in the way-"
"No!" The tall man harshly replied.

His beady eyes searched the perimeter - trying to see if there were any prying eyes.

The only eyes he would find were Jungkook's - widened in alarm. The man met his eyes for one second but it was enough to send the men back into the vehicle. Fearing for his own safety, Jungkook scurried to his seat and tried to look nonchalant.

He knew that the shock showed on his face, the workers - no who were these men? They'd let them into their home and allowed them to "help" Suga when all along, based off of what he just heard, they wanted to cause him harm. The information was too much for the naive boy to handle - way too much.

The phrase "she only wants the unconscious one" played in his mind like a broken record - constantly repeating the frightening line over and over. With his hyungs gone and the rest of the group not even present, there was no one he could turn to and recite the information. He was alone, but not for long because the strangers re-entered the car.

The boy stayed still and gave away nothing as they slowly climbed into the vehicle. They hadn't said anything to him as they entered - instead they glanced his way and then at each other.

The short medical worker from before, (Phil he remembered), gave the same heartwarming smile that welcomed the boys the first time however, Jungkook now knew that the smile held ulterior motives. He then realized that it was never warm to begin with, it was a warning - a warning that said, "I know". And Jungkook knew what they knew - the real unsettling truth about these men.

From that moment on, the maknae had been cautious - careful not to look up at the men who already held suspicions. He wasn't scared for himself, he was scared for his precious, pale hyung who was oblivious to the danger he was in.

"Alright everyone, we're gonna go back. Mr. Kim, can I perhaps ask what you left at your home?"

Kim Namjoon was ready to kill. The bastard was testing his patience - he was testing him. It was all a game for these men, they got paid for doing what the crazy woman ordered them to do. They had no regards for the group - the only person they cared about -

Wait, they didn't even care about Suga, he was merely a package that was supposed to be dropped off in exchange for what? Money?

No matter what their reward was, Suga was worth more than it because he was Min Yoongi. The leader didn't feel obligated to keep him safe because he was apart of BTS, he wanted to keep him safe because he was a friend, family - a pure love in the eyes of Bangtan. Someone they wanted to cherish.

Nobody was taking him away - no one.

"I just need to collect something - something important."

He glared into the eyes of the men; daring them to say otherwise.

"Now, we can leave."

The men just stared at the confident leader.

"I said, we can leave."

They backed out of the tunnel and followed the black van in front of them.

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