Plot Twist

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Namjoon saw the fear present on his bandmates' face and couldn't help but feel sorry. The members in the van were so confused and obviously scared, being oblivious to what was REALLY going on.

Namjoon was shocked at the news he received from Bang Pd and he needed all the members present to explain. The reason behind the events taking place made him sick to his stomach. The anger resonated within him and he had to repeat the words, 'Calm down' in his head to rid himself of the negative emotion.

"Hyung what's going on?" Jimin asked.

He was still shaken up from the pounding on the door, he thought that a crazy fan or the paparazzi had tried to steal one of the members. His imagination went wild in those few seconds of fear.

"We need to go back to the dorm guys." The leader said hurriedly.
"What?! But what about Suga-hyung? And we were ALMOST to the hospital...?"
"We just need to go back, I can't say much here."
"What do you mean you can't say?"
"I just can't okay? Just - just trust me."
"How am I supposed to trust you if I don't even know what's happening?"
"Jimin wait-" J-Hope tried to intervene.
"I don't understand what's going on hyung! I'm scared and worried and - and-"
"Just calm down Jiminie! We need to leave right-"

Namjoon was giving such vague answers to all of Jimin's questions and it only frustrated him even more. He wanted to know what Namjoon knew but the leader refused to tell him.

"Jimin, why are you causing such a fuss!? We need leave, right now! I can't explain anything out here, it needs to be at home. Please just TRUST me ... Please."
"I'll trust you if you tell me what the hell is going on!"
"Jimin!" His best friend shouted.
"What Taehyungie?! Aren't you worried? I'm so confused and he,"

He pointed at Namjoon.

"... Seems to have all the answers but he won't say, it just- it doesn't make sense! None of this does!"
"I'm scared too but you can't just disrespect hyung and act selfishly just because you feel that way!" Taehyung scolded his friend.

Jimin realized that everything his friend said, was true. Jimin was so caught in his own feelings that he forgot about everyone else. He was becoming selfish and to top it off, he was disrespecting his hyung; something he never DREAMED of doing.

"I-i'm sorry hyung ... I just-"

He began to cry at his own selfishness.

"I'm worried about everybody. Suga-hyung is getting stalked by his parents, at least I think they're his parents. He passed out not once but TWICE already. That random woman showed up at our door! I just -"

He let out a growl of frustration.

"Calm down Jimin." Jin said, surprising the others with his presence.
"Hyung ..." Jimin mumbled with his eyes wide.
"We need to leave and we need to do so now. Everything is going to be explained but you need to be patient and trust our leader, like he asked of you. He's just trying to keep us safe from harm." The eldest reminded his younger brother.

Shamefully, Jimin hung his head low and nodded - knowing that his hyung was disappointed in the way he acted.

"We're gonna follow you guys back to the dorm and I promise to explain everything." He promised looking Jimin in the eye.

Jimin nodded his head again, too ashamed to speak.

While the members in the van prepared to drive, Namjoon and Jin walked back to the ambulance.

Jin could practically feel the anger resonating off of Namjoon but he chose not to question it. Whatever he had to say, must be very important; it was the first time seeing the wise one so furious.

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