Mint Chocolate

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Despite not eating for a week, Yoongi actually couldn't stomach any food - maybe a spoonful here and there but really, not at all. Mildly annoyed that his body refused food, the male sighed and tossed it in their black garbage can.

As he sat atop the counter top, Yoongi found himself in a daze; his eyes focusing in and out on the cartoon Jungkook had playing but not really watching it. In reality, the male thought about meaningless things - the color of the TV, how it was made, why is was created. It was an attempt to distract the real issue hidden away deep within his subconscious.

The real reason why locked himself inside that studio.

However, the more he tried to escape the memory, the more difficult it became to keep it hidden. The entire process drained what little energy he had left. He lifted a hand to grasp his forehead; his headache slowly turning into a splitting migraine.

During this time, Yoongi hadn't noticed that Jungkook's cartoon suddenly paused and the maknae walked into the kitchen to witness his struggling.

Only wanting to grab a quick snack, Jungkook was shocked to see the oldest rapper on the counter, appearing to be in pain.

He immediately put his chips to the side and rushed to Yoongi, who still didn't know that the boy had approached him.

Placing a hand on Yoongi's shoulder, he spoke to him; very concerned.

"Suga-hyung, are you okay?"

Suga jumped, his hand falling and eye wide while Jungkook took a step back.


Suga composed himself by clearing his throat and sitting up straighter; something Jungkook took notice of.

"What - what is it?"
"Nothing really ... you just seemed like something was wrong."

The realization that the maknae saw him hit Yoongi, yet he decided to act as if nothing happened.

"Did I?" He responded, his face expressionless.
"Yeah," Jungkook placed both hands in his jogging pants, unsure of how to approach someone as ... reserved as Suga.
"I saw you kinda putting your hand on your head."
"Oh." Yoongi said, those cat-like eyes purposely avoiding Jungkook's large doe ones.

He stared at the paused TV screen instead.

".... Headache..?" Jungkook asked eventually.

Suga shrugged his shoulders, sparing the maknae one glance before looking away again.

"A little bit - I'm fine though."

Jungkook frowned at this. From what he witnessed, his hyung felt more than just a 'small' headache. In fact, from the way Suga gripped one side of his head, Jungkook deducted that it was a migraine - a painful one.

"Looked like you have a migraine - I get those too."

Yoongi turned to stare at the maknae, his doe eyes wide with worry.

Jungkook tried to speak lightly, without too much concern but his voice was wavering a bit.

"Hobi-hyung says that tea's good .. doesn't always work though ."
"And that's a natural way to get rid of them - do you want pills maybe?"

The rapper contemplated the idea, however, with an empty stomach, the pills would probably cause even more discomfort and he didn't want that.

He sighed, absentmindedly placing a hand on his stomach, the other holding the edge of the counter.

"I don't need them - thanks though."

Yoongi assumed that Jungkook would ignore him once told that no assistance was needed, however the maknae was stubborn.

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