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Nobody knew what to say to Suga to help comfort him. If the members were shocked, they could only imagine how Suga must feel.

Angry, frustrated, hurt, lost.

Suga had been keeping this to himself for a week now. Which means that he had been dealing with these repressed emotions for a while. It was mind-blowing that his parents had kept such an immense secret to themselves. But maybe it was a misunderstanding and they MEANT to tell Suga... Right?

"Hyung, are you sure that she is? Alive I mean." Namjoon asked.
"Yes, no- I -i don't know." Suga replied tiredly.
"After he dropped the bomb on me, I just buried myself with work. I needed SOMETHING to do. ANYTHING because my mom isn't alive right? He's lying right? Or is she really?" He said looking around for answers.

But BTS couldn't tell him, after all, they didn't know either.

Suga knew that asking the members for answers wouldn't help him, what would they know? But he couldn't help himself. He needed to ask someone. His reality felt unreal at the moment and he just needed someone to assure him that everything was okay. He just needed a little bit of assurance.

"Either way, it isn't fair. They can't just call you out of nowhere and say, "Oh hi son just wanted to catch up! And you know your mother that supposedly died in a car crash? She's ALIVE! And she wanted to say hi!" Jin sarcastically stated.
"Exactly hyung! What kind of parents leave their children in the dark for-"
"How many years ago was this?" Jungkook asked while looking at Suga.
"I don't know"
"- for however long it was that they kept the...secret."
"How do you feel hyung?" J-Hope asked.

He had grabbed Suga's hand again, being his physical and emotional reassurance. He gave it a light squeeze - nothing too big, but it meant the world to Suga; he needed it.... Even though he was too stubborn to ask.

"But I won't let them take over my life. If my mother wanted to be in my life, she should've came back, not faked her death."
He gave a humorless laugh.

"Hyung, please don't blame yourself for this." Jimin pleaded.
"Don't worry Jimin-ah I won't-"
Jin cut him off.
"We mean it Suga. Don't wallow and try to convince yourself to be better. COME TO US. Anything is better than you bottling up your emotions because you never know WHEN they might explode. One day you might regret it. Your mom leaving had NOTHING to do with you. You may have been there but their arguments and issues DO NOT revolve around you, at all. You've been without them for YEARS and look at what you've accomplished. Your parents are irresponsible, arrogant, ignorant, useless, insensitive, lying son of a bitches for-"

Suddenly, Namjoon came up behind Jin and held his hand over his mouth.

"I think that's enough hyung. What he was TRYING to say is just let us know these things hyung. Your health - whether it be emotionally or physically - is essential to know. Not to be harsh, but it could negatively affect the team and we don't anything to affect our teamwork. Plus, ARMY would notice it right away, we want to be strong for them. So let us know hyung." Namjoon finished with a small smile.
"Yep I thing you got it Joon." J-Hope said teasingly while looking at struggling Jin.

Jin struggled but he eventually removed Namjoon's hand from his lips. His entire face was beet red - he looked like a tomato.

"Like *gasp* I was s-saying... Phew, I'm tired... Yeah just... Speak."

Suga looked at Jin amusingly and answered curtly.

"Uh huh"
"But thank you guys... It was just... Hard? I don't know why though, it's so EASY for you guys but I can't even mumble one sentence. I've definitely got to get used to this."

And by "this", he was referring to all of the members currently invading his personal space. Jungkook and Taehyung were still on the couch next to Suga. Each of them placed their hands on his thighs. Jimin was sitting in front of him on the floor but he too couldn't keep his hands to himself; he would occasionally rub Suga's leg with his hands. J-Hope stood behind Suga, literally hugging him from behind at this point. And Namjoon and Jin were actually just standing idly by the couch but they too kept inching closer and closer to Suga.

It was... Difficult to breathe properly with so man people surrounding him.

"Now, could you guys back up away from me? I can't breathe..."
"But hyuunngg! We want to stay with you to make sure you feel okay." Jimin whined.
"Yeah sure you guy- HEY!"

All the members circled around Suga to give him a well deserved hug.
It was night now. All the fussing and crying that had been done today was completely forgotten.

"Okay whose lips are on my cheeks?" Suga asked as the members crushed his petite body.
"That was me hyung!" Taehyung shouted proudly.
"Hajimaaa! And who keeps touching my legs again- WHOSE HAND IS UNDER MY SHIRT?!"
"Hyung, that was by accident... I was trying to pull it up." Namjoon said.
"What do you mean "that" was by accident?"
"Huh? Oh I ripped your shirt."
"How did-"
"Aish! We need to eat dinner! Yoongi-ah help me!" Jin shouted as walked to the kitchen.
"That's kinda hard to do at the moment hyung!" He shouted back.
"Get off me RIGHT now." Suga growled.

Everybody was quick to jump off of Suga but his appearance made the members chuckle.
Suga's ripped shirt was hanging off his shoulder, his cheeks were flushed AGAIN, he was missing a sock and he had the CUTEST pout on his lips. Although he tried to glare at the members like he usually did, it didn't work this time. He only looked like an angry kitty in the eyes of Bangtan.

As Suga entered the kitchen, Jin took in his appearance and was shocked.

"Yoongi-ah what-"
"Hyung, let's just make dinner."
Sighing, Jin shook his head yes. Then he shouted to the rest of the members,
"What do you guys want to eat!?"
"More Barbeque!"
"We need to go grocery shopping for those things!" Jin shouted to the members in the living room.
"Do we have cereal?"
"Yeah... Why?"
"Cause it's easy." Suga replied.
"Guys Yoongi-ah wants cereal!"
"Well, it IS easy to clean up!" Namjoon responded.

And cereal they ate.

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