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I wanted to update a surprise chapter for you guys in order to get a look at our antagonists's past. No, this does not change my original update days, I will still publish on Wednesdays!

-On the other side of the world-

Amelia's Pov

I was so scared. I was afraid I wouldn't make it after what happened to me; it was horrible. The car happened to speed pass and my mother and sister just had to be in the vehicle with me. It happened so fast - almost like a faint memory.

I wish it didn't take her life along with my sister's, they were the only family I had left; who truly loved me. The amount of pain and grief that I had to suppress constantly began to weigh down on my chest - it expanded to a size I never imagined it would. I'd lost the most precious people to me within seconds; yet I was still alive and well.

I didn't deserve to be here - alive. Why did God choose me to walk on this depressing path? And if not God, then what higher being chose to curve their destiny rather than mine? They didn't deserve to be crushed and punctured with glass - blood pouring from every body part, a lifeless look in their eyes as they took the last breath.

They shouldn't have a last word that is recited on the news or at their funeral; there should be no funeral for neither of them, they should be here. Yet again, I am.

Who could I blame other than myself? Maybe if hadn't have asked to go back they would be here - if I had been prepared for once in my life, we could have avoided that car that struck us. That innocently drove straight into us and unknowingly ending the lives of two beautiful women whom I held dear. Maybe if I looked up from my phone that day instead of pretending to be angry, I could have warned them.

And I did pretend to be angry. The small fight I had with my mother before our departure was nothing compared to the anger I felt within myself. You see, anger was one of the many stages associated with losing a loved one apparently. I understood that because I was angry for weeks, months, maybe even the entire year.

It feels all too real that you never know what you have till it's gone. Only, I knew what I had before it all slipped through my fingertips.

I had a gorgeous sister and an loving, passionate mother - both irreplaceable.

My sister was short compared to me, I always made fun of her size; she was like a small doll - even though she was 2 years older than me. Her tanned skin and chubby body made her appear to be a child - a cute stubby child that had quite an attitude for her assumed age. Although she was bigger than me in size, she was always confident in her body, in fact she was my inspiration for confidence in my own. Her hair was short and black - cut into a bob, which she constantly trimmed every month or so. Her face ... was so gorgeous. It radiated happiness everyday, never failing to make me smile everytime she looked my way. Her hazel brown eyes were so big and bright - beautifully alluring. My big sister was like no other and protected me as if I were an antique in a shop - afraid that if she left me alone with someone other than herself, they would break me. I hated her overprotection but now, I wanted nothing more than to bask in her security. However, her safety was here no more. If only she'd known that her own disappearance would cause me to break; the exact thing that she feared.

And my mother ... how could I introduce this wonder of a woman - my idol. She was unlike any mother I've ever met and it only occured to me after I'd lost her - how ironic. She was also short like my sister but smaller in weight - giving the illusion of being a child as well when she indeed was the mother of us both. Her hair was a sheen black and rested on her shoulders; none of us liked long hair, it was too much of a hassle. Her face was oval shaped in contrast to me and my sister's round facial structures. I vividly remember the expressions that danced on her face, every emotion she felt was easily displayed. Whether she be angry, happy or even annoyed with my stubbornness or my sister's carelessness- it all felt real. Not fake and scripted to make me feel "better" or make me forget.

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