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Suga laid on his couch quietly, an arm on his forehead as he tried to process Jin's words - how had he been here for an entire week? From underneath his elbow, Suga peeked at his band, most of then were staring into nothingness while Jin and Namjoon appeared to be communicating non-verbally through their eyes.

The male sighed.

He hadn't even thought that producing music could create this big of an issue but deep down, Suga knew that the root of the problem didn't lie within the music. The problem lied within Suga and his terrifying determination to make his music heard. But that determination had consequences that resulted in pain and suffering. Something Suga knew too well.

The male would have to explain himself sooner or later so he wasted no time in doing so.

"... I wasn't trying to stay that long." He quietly stated.

All heads turned to look at him, waiting for him to finish his explanation.

Suga turned to his side where he could face the members while speaking to them.

"..I know that I worried you guys but I promise it wasn't on purpose."

One by one the members nodded, all except for Jin who frowned at his younger brother.

"Yoongi-ah, I know you didn't mean for it to happen but it doesn't excuse the fact you completely disregarded us - your members."

Suga sat up at this comment, confused about why Jin tried to make the situation bigger than need be. Especially since Jin wasn't one to get serious.

"I know and I'm sorry for making you guys worry. Next time I do that I'll make sure to tell you gu-"
"There is no next time Suga." Jin emphasized.

Suga raised an eyebrow - now he was really confused.

"Are you telling me I can't come to my studio anymore?"
"I don't know, maybe that needs to happen so we don't have to having to go through this every time Yoongi."

Suga laughed in disbelief.

"Hyung, what the hell are you talking about?"

Suga became frustrated with Jin; he had apologized and promised to contact them the next time he planned to stay for that long - what the hell was he still complaining for?

Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook all stared at the ground, the tense atmosphere making them uncomfortable and knowing that they couldn't interfere made it worse. These were the two oldest members - nothing they said would be heard at the moment.

"We were worried sick Suga-"
"I know and that's why-"
"Enough Yoongi!" Jin exclaimed.

Everyone jumped as he yelled - Jin-hyung almost never raised his voice, ever.

Jin didn't know what possessed him to scream at Suga, he hates scolding him. But today, no, this week, he had taken it too far. Suga could've landed in the hospital if it weren't for the members. If Jin hadn't though to check in his studio, he would've been unconscious, all on his lonesome with no one to help him. He was too careless and Jin didn't like it, he didn't like it one bit.

"You've taken it too far Yoongi-ah."
"What in the world are you talking about hyung - for crying out loud!"

Jin gripped his blonde hair, how was he not getting his point?

"Yoongi-ah, you were practically gone for a week - that's seven days of us wondering where you are and being worried sick about you!"

"You didn't call ot text or anything!"
"Did Bang-pd say some-"
"This isn't about you being an idol Suga - get that through your head! You are our friend, like family and if something were to happen to you, we wouldn't know what to do because you always do this!"

Suga stared at him, his eyes wide and breaths shallow.

"You can't keep shutting us out and locking yourself in here - it isn't healthy, it just isn't a good idea in the first place."

"I needed space!"

"Space?" Jin laughed incredulously.

"Today you passed out for two hours - two whole hours of us panicking because we thought that your eyes would never open again. Do you know how that feels!"
"I know hyung!"
"Hyung calm down, it was a mistake." Namjoon tried to reason while patting Jin's shoulder.

Both members faced each other, Jin's face beet red and Yoongi's expressionless face showing raw confusion and anger.

As the eldest, Jin thought that he should be the one to apologize to Yoongi - he started the argument after all.

Taking a deep, stress relieving breath, Jin apologized.

"You can't just nonchalantly say sorry as if it doesn't matter - you need to take better care of yourself because next time," Jin sat down in front of Suga, a rather bold move.
"Maybe we won't be able to contact you." He patted Yoongi's head, then stood up and walked out.

"Well," Suga began.
"We should go back to the dorm so I can clean up and eat. I mean I would eat here but I prefer to eat at the dorm."

The members were a little concerned. Their hyung was acting like nothing had happened and though his words seemed "normal" his face showed no emotion... He looked cold. As he looked up at the members, they felt themselves shiver. His naturally brown eyes no longer held their shine. Instead they looked void of color; black.

Suga slowly got up from his seat to stretch his slender body. Sitting in his studio chair for a week did a number on his back, it ached terribly. One by one the members began to leave the studio but Suga stayed behind. Jin stayed behind as well and tried to apologize to Suga but was cut off.

"Yoongi-ah I'm so-" Jin tried.
"It's fine hyung. You were right, it was careless of me to stay on my studio for a whole week. It was stupid to not eat and... Bathe. I get so... It's fine." Suga said as he smiled.

Jin loved Suga's smile; it was that of a cat. Big and wide with his gums showing and pearly white teeth. But Jin didn't receive Suga's gummy smile. He received a plastic smile; devoid of any real emotions. It showed no gums or his pearly white teeth, instead it showed pain and shame. His eyes were no better because they held tears that threatened to spill at any moment.

"Come on hyung. I stink and I'm STARVING so lets hurry and get to the dorm." Suga attempted to joke.

Jin walked ahead of him with his face laced with worry and disappointment. However this time it wasn't directed at Suga, it was directed at himself for being so unnecessary and extreme.

Suga waited a while until Jin had fully walked away to let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. A tear slipped out of his eye as he grabbed his hair in frustration. The guilt eating away at him for allowing himself to slip up. And the shame making his heart beat faster and faster by the second.
It wasn't even a big deal. He only passed out for two hours. But something else made him feel ashamed. His members were beyond disappointed in him... He never wanted that... Never.

"Suga-hyung, are you coming?" Jungkook yelled.

Scared that Jungkook would see him crying, Suga quickly wiped his face and cleared his throat.

Jungkook had gone back inside to check on his hyung, they'd all gotten worried that he passed out again. He looked really skinny and that wasn't good at all. As Jungkook entered Suga's studio for the second time today, he stopped walking when he saw his hyung at his desk.

"H-hyung...?" Jungkook cautiously approached him.
"Oh I'm coming, I was just grabbing some of my lyrics to take with me to the dorm."
"Oh, well come on. Everyone was worried you passed out again." Jungkook explained.

He exited the studio with Suga following suit. Suga kept his head down and didn't lift it until he entered the car. Once he sat down, he immediately turned to look outside; trying to hide his pain.

Jin looked at Suga worriedly as he entered the car and was relieved to see that he was fine. At least that's what it looked like. As they were about to pass under a tunnel, the sun shone on Suga and the window. Allowing Jin to see the strain in Suga's face.

Suga continued looking out the window trying to occupy his mind. He didn't want to cry, not in front of his precious members. But little did he know, Jin saw his pain behind his eyes... His emotionless cat-like eyes.

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