Chapter 81

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A/N: I said in the beginning that this part is going to be more of their personal lives so here it is. This chapter is practically a Woosan filler.

San ran towards the castle gate and found Wooyoung standing there with his arms crossed while tapping his feet.

"And I rushed to finish my chores too," he pouted. San had his hands on his knees as hot breaths escaped his mouth.

"Yeosang fainted again but the doctor said he'll be alright," San informed. Wooyoung's expression completely changed to one of worry.
"And Hongjoong fought with the King...again," he rolled his eyes after catching his breath.
"He's back? How is he?"
"He seems a little tired but he's fine. He took Seonghwa to his room," San replied putting an arm around Wooyoung's shoulder.

"Anyways. That's why I was late. Let's go."
Wooyoung was worried but figured there wasn't much he could do anyways and followed his lover. Around 30 minutes later, they reached their destination. It was a small wooden building that looked like it would collapse soon. Everything looked old and worn out. Wooyoung wanted to question it, but decided to just trust his lover.

"Welcome. Do you have an appointment?" A man asked when they walked in.
"No we've come to set one," San replied.
"Alright. Just sign your names here and we'll call you when it's your turn."
They did as they were told and sat on a bench with a few other couples. Wooyoung took in his surroundings. The interior wasn't as bad as the exterior as a few pink and gold decorations hung around the area.

"What are we doing San?" He whispered. The beta chuckled and pinched his cheek.
"What do you think bonding means?" He asked curious of what the omega had in mind.
"When two people drink something and officially become a couple," Wooyoung answered simply. San laughed.
"It's not that simple baby," he moved his hair from his face.
"Not everybody can bond. Some people are simply not compatible or their love isn't on the same wavelength," he began.
"The potion is to help bring your hearts closer and connect your souls. It won't do well, if one person loves the other a lot more than they do or if they're crazy in love at the moment but aren't meant for each other. If a bond goes wrong, it can effect a person's health," he explained.
"So we're here right now to check if we're compatible?" Wooyoung asked.
"Precisely," he said and pecked his nose.

The omega blushed and started to feel a lurch in his stomach.

So if me and San aren't compatible we won't be able to bond?

He glanced at the beta who was looking ahead to see if they had been called upon.

San is perfect. If we're not compatible that means it's mostly my fault. Will I have to break up with him..I don't want to. But what if he gets hurt?

San tapped him out of his cynical thoughts and smiled.
"Don't worry. We'll be fine," he held his hand.
They were called minutes later and were guided to a dim room. A woman sat in front of a table with a few items laid out in front of her.
They sat down in the chairs across from her.

"I'm going to ask you questions and you need to answer them honestly, if you have any care for your love life that is," she told them sternly. The boys nodded.

"Good. Now hold hands."
They did as they were instructed and she picked up her pen to begin writing.

"Ok. Age during presentations?" She started.
"I'm 17 and presented as a fire Omega a month ago," Wooyoung answered and she quirked a brow quite surprised as they were rare.
"I'm a water beta and presented a year ago when I was 18."
She eyed San's hair.
"Any abilities?"
"Yes. I can see the future."
"Wow. That's pretty amazing," she commented and began jotting down on the paper.

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