Chapter 86

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It was only an hour until noon and Yunho had still not caught glimpse of his alpha. He couldn't help but wonder if Mingi was avoiding him.
He decided to check the courtyard and was surprised to find Seonghwa hugging his brother. He ran up to them a little excited.

"Seonghwa! How are you feeling?" He asked and engulfed the beta. Seonghwa was surprised but hugged him back. The omega was so big, it made the hug feel so relaxing.

"We were so worried about you. How could you just leave like that?" He scolded.
"I had to save Yeosang," Seonghwa stated like it was common sense. It made Yunho smile. Heavens know what would have happened if he didn't.

"You did well. Thank you," he said sincerely. Seonghwa smiled.

Yeosang returned to training the soldiers and Jongho sat back down at the waiting area, not really having much else to do.

"That's right! My father said he wants to see you when you wake up," Yunho informed.
"The King?" Seonghwa asked becoming a little nervous.
"Yes. I'm pretty sure he's not in a meeting right now. I would take you but I'm a little busy. You know where he is right?"
Seonghwa nodded timidly.
"Good. I'll see you later," he said before dashing off the way he came.

Seonghwa walked up to Hongjoong and held his arm.
"Can you come with me? I don't want to go by myself," he pleaded.

Hongjoong knew it wasn't a good idea but he'd do anything for Seonghwa. The most the King would do was rebuke at him.

He took the beta's hand and treaded towards the King's quarters. He knocked and when he heard a reply, he encouraged Seonghwa to enter.

The King beamed when he saw the beta instantly calming his nerves. Though Seonghwa was unconscious, he was still able to understand a little of what was going on. He thought the King would be mad at him since he killed Kang Cheol.
Hongjoong entered behind him and the King frowned.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.
Seonghwa realized he was right. The King was upset with him. He had heard a little of the commotion while he was unconscious but assumed it would have been cleared up by now.

"I..I asked him to come with me," Seonghwa said a little shyly at first. The King scowled at the alpha one last time before bringing his smile back for the beta.

"How are you feeling Seonghwa?" He asked elatedly. He had wanted to properly talk to him.

"..I'm good.." Seonghwa answered feeling a little intimidated.

"Don't look so afraid. I won't eat you," the King teased.
"You're not upset with me?" Seonghwa asked moving a little closer.
"Heavens no! Why would I be upset with you?"
"Because I killed Kang Cheol.."
"And he absolutely deserved it don't you think?"
Seonghwa was surprised.
"You did great. I too was upset at how uselessly he died. He couldn't even handle a taste of his own medicine," the King expressed his dissatisfaction.

"Yes! He didn't like when he received what was done to him. He's terrible," Seonghwa spoke freely, happy that the King was not upset but also taking his side.
"The worst. And he'll rot in hell for it."

Hongjoong smiled at that. He liked that the King was trying to make him comfortable.

"Anyways, I'm glad you're doing better. I want to tell you to make sure you take care of yourself. I hear you have healing abilities so you think you can't get hurt but that may not be the case. Just because you heal quickly doesn't mean your life isn't important."

Seonghwa felt touched by his words. Nobody has ever told him that before. He always believed that he had to help everybody since he had the power and his body could take it.

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