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Elena's POV:
I woke up in an empty, cold bed. As I moved my hands I realised this wasn't the soft covers of the boarding house, it was the rough covers of a motel. Across the room on a sofa laid a very tired Stefan. As I looked up he moved and sat on the bed.
"Morning" he said kissing my cheek.
"Morning, where are we?" I asked confused.
"Mystic Falls Motel, the chair is very comfortable" he said sarcastically. "Damon's back"
The words ran through my head as I realise the reason I wasn't in my normal scene. Damon's back. Two words I hoped not to hear for a while. He had a witch in New Orleans to turn Jenna's memories back on and I was happy to hear that they succeeded. But damon.
"I should go round there alone, he's a bit well....a lot bothered about this" I said pointing at both of us. He agreed and drove me to the boarding house.
"Whilst your there ask him why he painted my car pink, it's cute but" Stefan drove off in his pink car.
I knocked on the door and fear overcome me.
"Damon" I blurted out softly as I saw his face. Truth being, I missed him for 3 months.
"Elena, umm. Come in" he said calmly.
"I'm here to see Jenna" I said happily.
"You...can't" he said quietly, like he was hiding something.
"If this is about the Stefan thing then I'm sorry but I deserve to see her" I said angrily.
"It's not about that" he started but I stormed up the stairs. He jumped in front of me before the door. "Jenna's not well" he blurted out.
"What?" I asked feeling my body collapse into a pit of sadness.
"Making her forget the compulsion, made her remember us. But it always made her remember everything else. And to put it lightly, he didn't treat her nicely" he said and I opened the door. My heart stopped as I saw Jenna's tiny wrists in locks on a bed. She was screaming constantly, whilst bonnie tried to calm her. "Stop! Your gonna hurt me" she screams at bonnie. I sink to the floor in a ball of mess. But no tears come just anger. I grab my bag and I ran down the stairs as fast as possible. "Elena!"'Damon screamed after me. "Elena wait!"
"I'm gonna kill Manson!" I screamed. "He's done this to our daughter, he deserved to die a painful death"
"Wait!" He said again.
"I've made up my mind, Damon. I'm killing him"
"I'm not gonna try and talk you out of it. I'm asking you to wait for me, because if your gonna kill Manson. Your not doing it alone" we both smiled at each other.

As we approached the cave we found Jenna in, my heart thudded. How can I kill him?! A vampire-with witch abilities?
"Hybrid Bite, maybe you don't remember when you turned hybrid" Damon said like he was reading my thoughts. I laughed. We creeped down the corridor. As I reached the bottom step I was crippled by the surprise sounds. There were children in cages, tens. All vampires or werewolf's but just children. I felt my heart break as I walked along at there sad faces. I started opening cages and watching them flash away as quickly as possible. I opened the last one with a small girl in, she was the spitting image of Jenna. But as I opened the cage someone catches her. "Elena" "Manson"
"Bad move, I could kill her in..3....2...-" he started
"Let her go!" I shouted. But he didn't. "I said... LET HER GO" my voice changed as i leaped at him in hybrid form. The girl was set free as I pinned him to the ground. She turned to face me and bowed her head before zapping away.
"Hybrid Elena is very sexy" he said pinning me down and rubbing my cheek. "Let's make a deal. Katherine loved deals. You are beautiful like her. You let me free without even a nip and I will treasure your body" he rubbed my arm and I felt a shiver run my spine. I heard a growl come from damon who was waiting behind he door. He pinned him to the wall and whispered in his ear "no deal"
"Don't you remember that she's sharing a bed with your brother" he laughed. "Pathetic, she doesn't love you damon"
I launched myself at him pinning him against the wooden bars. My teeth scratched his skin but I couldn't do it. I couldn't bite.
"Elena, kill him" Damon hissed from behind me but I couldn't.
"Your pathetic elena. You don't deserve the title hybrid.myou deserve the title human! Weak and pathetic, just like a human. She didn't fight a bit like you. Your the same. But he blood tasted much better" anger rose through my body as I pushed Manson in one of he cages before attacking his neck with venom. I locked the cage shut as damon stood beside me. "Her blood may of tasted nice, but yours taste delicious" I kicked the cage to the wall and walked out hearing his weakened screams.

As we pulled up to the boarding house excitement went through me. He's dying. Jenna's alive. Everything perfect.
"We did it!" I cheered jumping round.
"You did it!" Damon shouted back pulling me into a hug. We stopped jumping as I rested my head on his shoulder. I breathed in his scent which I loved. As I pulled out I felt his breath on my lips as he said "your rides here". I looked to my side and saw Stefan standing there lying on his car boot. I smiled at damon and whispered "thank you".
"Brother" Stefan called at Damon. And Damon nodded.
"Goodnight" I said walking to the car and getting in. The last thing I heard was a quiet emotional "goodbye Elena"

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