What Are We?- 6 Months On

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"You've just got to hit it Elena!"
"It's harder than it looks" Elena grunted at Damon.
"Look like this" He wrapped both his arms around her body and swung the golf club. The ball steamed across the bright grass. Elena cheered and jumped up and down. She wrapped her arms around Damon's neck as he span her around. She didn't understand why this was getting her so excited, but it really was.
"See you can do it" Damon smiled happily.
"Only with your help" She smirked at him and gently punched his arm and said sarcastically "Your so talented.
Elena loved Damon's company. And since she broke everything off with Stefan after Jenna's death, all they have done is get closer. And she loved that.
"Oh guess who won this game" Elena laughed, "Well basically it was you against yourself on every shot"
Damon's face was down. Like it had been for the last 10 minutes. "Damon?"
"What are we?" He blurted out immediately regretting it.
"What....we?" Elena muttered quietly. Her eyes fluttered win excitement at this question. "What do you want to be?"
"I don't know Elena. But all I know is that I love this. I love being close. I love being with you. I love....yo-" he started but suddenly stopped. But Elena got the gist. She knew what he wanted to say, and that's what she wanted.
"When we split I felt like my whole life was crumbling down. Stefan....well Stefan was a distraction. It's horrible to say but all I wanted to do was to be with you. But I couldn't. When Jenna died, everyone comforted me. But I didn't want everyone, I wanted you. I wanted you to grieve with and I want you to continue my life with now. Because I love spending time with you. And I do so...so much, I love you Damon Salvatore. Always have, always will. Forever and always" Elena trembled on the last bit as he pulled her closer. She felt his breath on her lips and his heart was pumping on her chest. As he leant in, she forgot everything around. She leant in and her heart fluttered as his soft lips touched hers. It was gentle and amazing. It was perfect. Not passionate like it used to be, but full of love. As she leant out he heard her whisper,
"I love you Elena Gilbert. Forever and Always"
Elena used Famons chest as a pillow as she swiped her fingers through his hair. But there silence was interrupted by a phone ringing.
"Elena. It's caroline. We have a problem"

"We've been trying to find a way to find out how I'm still alive after Katherine killed me. We found nothing until we realised. When she killed me, she got my power. That's how she could fight all of you. And when she died, I got it back. Making me alive and well. And that got me thinking. If your in the same room as your killer when they die, you automatically come back alive. Elena? Damon? Do you know what I'm saying" Caroline's face smiled.
Elena looked at Damon as he said,
"Someone else she killed you mean?" Caroline nodded.
Elena drew a massive breath and her whole face fell down, "Jenna"

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