Discovering Clue One

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Damon's POV:
We weren't going to give up. That's what I kept telling myself. If we didn't find her here, we would find another clue that led us one step closer to our baby girl. But what if there a thousand clues. What if Stefan does it for the rest of his life? By that time our little girl, won't be so little anymore. What if he feeds her blood? Then she will live her suffering from thirst. I kept telling myself I can do this but there was to many what ifs, to conquer out my good thoughts. "We are here" Caroline said staring at us. "You too alright?" She said looking at our depressed faces.
"My daughter got stolen. I'm amazing" Elena said sarcastically. We climbed out of the car walking into the house. I looked around and all the good memories hit me, but at this moment my whole body was overpowered with sadness and anger. Elena put her hand on my back but I pulled away, not making eye contact. "Damon" She said looking at me, her eyes met mine briefly but I looked away.

As we walked into the bedroom on the bed was a baby grow. Tiny and pink. Elena ran p to it and held it in her arms like she never wanted to let go. We hardly realised that next to the baby grow was a little note and a blood bag. As we looked at it veins grew over our faces. But I picked up the note and read it aloud "Don't you fear, I'm very near. Clue two reminds with tell. See you soon Mummy and Daddy" I dropped the note to the floor and threw the blood bag at the wall. Suddenly I just felt myself break and I ran into the woods nearby. The words stirred round my head 'Your next clue rhymes with tell', 'Mummy and Daddy'

*Flash Back*
"You can do it, just swing your feet back and forwards" Elena said watching her daughter swing herself for the first time.
"I can't do it!" She shouted and started moving her legs about. But the next thing she was swinging slowly.
"Yay! Well done" we both shouted and ran to her side to give her a hug. We looked like the perfect family.
"I love you mummy and daddy"
I fell to the ground and for the first time I properly cried. Not like when I'm comforting Elena and a tear rolls down my face. Not like when I'm trying to hold back my tears. I properly cried. I was alone. I didn't have to be strong, I just wanted to cry about my daughter. Suddenly a voice appeared from behind me saying "you and Elena are strong, you will get through" Alaric sat besides me and I smiled. "How are you here, I thought you died?" I ask him who was smiling. "Im not here. I'm in your head buddy. But remember I'm watching down on you and missing you. I'm always her-" the voice trailed off and as I looked to my side again there was no one there. A big tear rolled down my face as I realised he wasn't alive. A hand rested on my shoulder. it was a female hand but on so hadn't seen in a while. "Hey Damon" the voice pierced through my head as I saw Rose sitting there. "You and Elena are doomed. Just come with me" she placed her hand out and I looked at it. "No way" I pushed her away and she disappeared into the darkness. My head rushed around in circles and I shut my eyes. But as I opened them I wasn't alone. There was thousands of human people around me. I stood up for once in my life intimidated. "Who are you?" I said backing into the tree as they got closer. "You killed me!" One shouted, "I had children"
"You killed my daughter" another voice said, "now you know how I felt"
"You killed me. When I just came to help Stefan" a familiar voice said. "Lexi" I whispered.
"And you killed me. You killed me with you girlfriend." Katherine said stepping through the crowd. "I didn't, I would never" I said and sank in the tree. "STOP!" I shouted and I cried until they disappeared.

We got home later and I put on a brave face. I imagined all the people who were gone in my life. I imagined the people I killed. I was a monster. There was a quiet, shy knock at the door and I shouted come in. I sat on my daughters bed as Elena walked on and sat opposite me. Her eyes were red and puffy, she'd obviously been crying. "Hi" she said briefly and I nodded. She crossed her delicate legs and I knew she had something else to say.
"I can't do this!" She shouted. "This Isn't fair"
"Well our daughter being taken away obviously isn't fair" I said looking at the bed.
"No not that" she said then lifted my head so our eyes met. "This isn't fair. You can't look at me without seeing her, and it's killing me to not be close to you anymore. I've lost my daughter Damon. The thing I have closest to a human life again. And now I'm loosing you" she said with a tear coming down her face.
"You will never loose me" I answered back quickly.
"We are married Damon. We have rings on our fingers" she said waving her hand at me. "Yet recently we only ever hug to comfort each other. And we never even share a small kiss. Yes our daughters gone missing and we are sad but I don't want us to break. Because recently I've been like a black hole. We had the perfect family. An amazing house with a great garden. A cute daughter who would run around madly on Sundays not wanting to sleep. A marriage. A marriage that would make a perfect human marriage seen petit. Now look what we've got. A house of sadness. A daughter who's been taken by your own flesh and blood. And a marriage that's breaking slowly. A perfect life now a miserable life" her words slurred on the last bit. It was true when I looked at her all I saw was our daughter. That made me happy when Jenna was with us but now every time I looked at her I was sad. "We will never break" I said taking her hand bravely, "never" but I still couldn't look at her.
"You can say that, but you can't even look at me. You know what. I'm going to stay with Caroline tonight, I'll see you for the next clue" she said storming out of the door, "and by the way Damon. It's a well. The next clues in a well"
I repeated what she said "a well"

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