Your Alive

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Everyone stood around the whole. They stared down apprehensively. No one knew what to expect. Or what to say. They stood silently, the rain falling down their faces. Stefan's face was blank. Damon's full with hidden emotion. But Elena's the worst of them all. It was filled with over expecting happiness.
Everyone knew this was a long shot. Everyone except her.

She clung on to the hope she had. The hope of finding her daughter alive and well. The hope that Caroline's miracle wasn't a one time thing, but a common appearance in Katherine's victims. Damon turned his face away. He didn't want to see what was going to be uncovered here. It was hard enough having to bury his daughter, but having to dig her up was worst. He handed Stefan the old shovel in a forceful way. As the shovel scraped the ground everyone winced. Elena fell to the floor, she scraped the mud away like a dog, uncovering the dreaded words: 'Jenna Salvatore'

In a instant, her fingers gripped the corner of the coffin. She heaved hard but through all her strength, it still wasn't enough. She looked to the crowd of people for support but only one stepped forward. Damon. His eyes were blank, dark and full of lies. It was like looking straight through his eyes. They were like an empty bottle, just waiting to be filled.
As the coffin opened they were presented with a stench that shocked them all. Caroline turned her face away gagging in the process. Damon bowed his head, scared to show the emotion which over come him. But elena didn't move. She was determined to make the girl wake up. She knew it had to happen.
"No" she mumbled quietly, as she saw the girls body lifeless. "No!" This time it wasn't a mumble or quiet. It was scream of pain, filled with all the things within her. She buried her head in Damon's shoulder whilst whispering the same words over and over. "She has to wake up. She just has too"
The screams and cries became distant. But as Elena touched the grave again, she realised something had changed. Jenna's hair was thicker, darker, stronger than when she died. There was no longer under eye circles, because they were filled with perfect lightness. Her skin was a pale, perfect shade. And her eyelashes were strong and not limb like before. They were small details that made Jenna who she was.

Elena moved her finger along the girls cheek. It was cold, freezing like ice. Or like hers. She touched her hands gently as the others gasped. It wasn't right, his fingers were longer and stronger. Then Elena saw it. The height of her daughter was different. She was taller and thinner. Her chest was bigger, like a girl halfway through teen years. And placed around her neck was a pendant. A blue stoned pendant. Elena recognised it. But elena recognised it as Katherine's. Everything didn't make sense to Elena. Her daughter was older. She was more beautiful if that was even possible. Elena breathed through the anxiety and lifted up her daughters face. Her eyes sprung open and they all were shot back. Elena knew this was because of the limbless of her face, but it was hope to hold on to.

As Elena moved closer she realised the change in colour. Jenna's air wasn't dark brown but a very dark blond. Her eyes weren't their normal green, but a bright blue. Her hair had volume and strength which was unusual for a non changed vampire. She didn't look anything like her daughter. That's when they saw it. That wasn't ever their daughter. It was a girl who was disgused to look like their daughter. Elena winced in pain as Damon pulled her back protectively. But a voice rattled them both "Looking for me"

The voice was clear and almost mature. It was familiar but changed. And they span around they saw the sight they never wanted to see.
She was tall, almost as tall as Elena. Her hair always curly and light brown. Her eyes were green, a bright green. Her clothes were new but dirty. And her face was stained with mud. Her voice was weak and unused.
She was the spitting image of her Elena.
"Before you ask, I'm not that smart" the voice started again "I had help in this, all the way. I couldn't ask you for help, you didn't want me to be you"
Elena's face turned in disgust. "You" she spluttered.
"There's no need to be so rude. Especially as I just saved you from discovering a dead human"
"You" Elena said again, "You shouldn't be here Katherine"
"Katherine?" She laughed evilly, "you think I'm Katherine"
Elena's face turned into shock. Her bottom lip quivered.
"You should know who I am. We've been through a lot and you don't even recognise your own..." She paused for effect before whispering "daughter"

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