Final Goodbye- Part 2

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"Katherine!" Elena growled.
"Elena dear, black isn't your colour" she laughed. She was wearing a stunning maroon dress which made her looking amazing.
Damon stood still his eyes were shot on her wherever she went. His mouth was clenched and his body looked ready to fight.
"Katherine" he growled at her.
"Thought I'd stop by to say hello. And RIP to my little doppelgänger.
I guess a life of misery wasn't what you guys chose for her" she laughed. She ran her fingers across the grave like it was a normal Chester draw. No one moved, no one talked. It was like no one breathed. Until Stefan stood up and ran to Katherine but she pushed him to the wall. He winced in pain. Elena ran to the back to help him but Katherine grabbed her by her neck, she squeezed.
"You killed someone I love, so I did the same to you. Revenge is a bitch" She smirked.
"Your the only bitch around here" Elena struggled to say but she pushed her away, finally getting a breath. Suddenly half the room was empty as Elena looked around, she saw that everyone was standing. Caroline pounced but was pushed away hitting the wall at full force. She laid lifeless on the ground as Enzo ran to her side realising there was a stake in her heart. He screamed out in pain.
"Katherine!" He screamed hitting her to the ground. She was stronger than him pushing him away, snapping his neck in the process. As Elena looked around she saw the place was empty, except for her, Stefan, Damon and Katherine.
"Just us four now, just as I like it"

"Let's settle this properly yeah? With a little truths" Katherine said sitting in one of the seats. "Let's start with Damon. Why did you kill Manson?"
"He hurt my daughter" Damon growled.
"Wrong. See Damon I know why you hurt Manson. And it wasn't anything to do with your daughter" Katherine smiled. Elena's face turned from a angry to a shocked.
"Me?" She gasped quietly.
"Right Elena. Obviously. Damon would of been satisfied with having his daughter back, but you wanted to kill him so he went along with it. Just so you didn't confide help in the brother" Katherine laughed. "Why did you kill Manson"
"I killed Manson because he hurt my daughter. Because he made her suffer, okay? Is that a good enough reason!" Elena shouted before throwing a chair clear above her head.
"Bad shot" Katherine smirked, throwing a stick right into a Elenas stomach. She ran to her side and peeled it out of her and aimed it at her chest. "Elena you will never beat me, I'm 400 years older, and 1000 years wiser"
The stake scratched Elena's skin as it pointed into her. She gasped as she felt it tickle her heart.
"Maybe the world will be better with one less doppelgänger" Katherine stated before being thrown to the wall.
"Don't touch her!" Damon growled launching himself at Katherine. Suddenly he seemed 100 times stronger than Katherine and 1000 times wiser. She grabbed his neck making him gasp in pain.
Stefan suddenly was at his side pushing her off. Now it was her turn to feel the hand on her heart. Damon's hand.
"I guess love really does make you stronger" Katherine gasped through the pain. She looked up at the two brothers who were both holding her down.
"You two are fooled. You think she's so different from me, she's not. She made you two hate each other from your love for her. She made you two fight for her and do anything for her. So why was it wrong when i done it? Once a Petrova doppelgänger, always a manipulating bitch." Katherine wheezed emphasising the Bitch.
"Not everyone has to be like you Katherine" Damon laughed.
"Just remember that once you have fell in love with one us, there's no getting out. Even if you kill the messenger" and that was the last thing Katherine said before pushing Damon to the ground. She whooshed off quickly but left the room silent.
As damon gasped They realised his arm was not empty. In his hand was a vampire heart.
"What is that?!" Elena screamed.
"Katherine pushed me away, she knew I still had hold of her heart. She-" He started but was cut off by Caroline's groggy voice.
"Did Katherine Pierce just kill herself?!"

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