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Elena's POV:
She just laid there. No tears fell down my cheeks and nothing seemed to change. I just cradled her lifeless body for hours on end. We knew she would wake up, but never when. Damon tugged at My arm, He itched me to stand up but i never did. I wouldn't leave her sight until the moment she drew a breath. I rushed to her side and helped her up. She was different. Her skin was pale and perfect. Her movements were more defined and accurate. And her eyes were nothing but cold, like a killers. I couldn't control my movements as I stormed out of the house, unable to hear the constant calls of my name from Damon.

"Elena!" Stefan screamed at me as I entered the motel room. I didn't answer, I just started packing my bag as quick as I could. Not bothering to place clothes in neatly, I threw everything in.
"Elena where are you going?" Stefan asked me.
"The boarding house, I'm staying there" I answered without blinking.
"What happened?" He poured more of my clothes into the bag.
"She turned her. Katherine. Katherine turned my baby daughter into one of....one of us. My daughters a monster"
He hand reached out to touch my shoulder but as soon as his cold hands hit my bare skin, I jumped. He told me it was ok.
"It's not okay! My daughter can either become a blood-sucking toddler or..." I wasn't able to complete the end bit.
"You've got me, and...damon. We can get through this"
"There's no we, Stefan! There never was. Me and you, were fun together, company for each other. It's not going anywhere! There was never an us and there never will be" I shouted and stormed out. I sat in my car with my head on the steering wheel but no tears came. My thoughts were muddled as I pulled out of the driveway.

"Elena! Damon called me." Bonnie said as she opened the door.
"I need your help Bon. I need you to see the future" I said.
"What? I can't do that elena" her voice made me shudder.
"Your a witch! Do it! I need you to show me what Jenna will be as a vampire, what will happen"

We sat opposite each other. Her hand were placed on mine gently. In the middle of us laid a picture of me, Jenna and Damon, before Manson. We were smiling, something I haven't done in ages.
"There's a playground" Bonnie started, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Jenna's 6 or 7. She's with two other girls. One short, one tall. Both blondes like her. There skipping together. Jenna's definitely the best. She's smiling, happy" Bonnie stopped and smiled at me. Suddenly everything seemed to fall into place.
"Wait! Uh....let's stop here elena" she said stopping between each word.
"Bonnie. What's up? It's all perfect remember"
"A boy fell over whilst playing basketball. He's cut his knee badly, it's...bleeding. Jenna's face turns different as she approaches the boy. She touches the cut and... Please Elena let me stop!"
"Carry on Bonnie!" I shouted.
"She licks her fingers suddenly overcome with hunger. She suddenly launches herself at the boy, drinking him dry. Everyone runs away, even the teachers but she faster than them. And stronger. Soon the playground is filled with bodies, all drained dry. She never got full....she could always be hungry" she finished gasping.
I grabbed the table and threw it at the wall. Bonnie screamed suddenly scared of me. As I looked int the mirror, I see the veins under my black, empty eyes.
"She can't be one of us!" I screamed.

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