Dear Jenna

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Dear Jenna,

I can just imagine your face as you open this. It will be shocked but expecting something. You want to bin it but your curiosity is too much for you to destroy the one thing that you have left of us. Because inside we mean something to you, and you know that's true. Anyway to the point of the letter, I want to say thank you. 

Thank you for showing me the light in Stefan. I knew he had a bad streak but i didn't realize it was evil. Thank you for growing up and making the decision for yourself. I spent years dreaming of the moment where you had to change and now there is a weight lifted off my shoulders. But finally, thank you for making my whole life a misery. 

Your little birthday present was the biggest surprise of the night, but it was far from the best. See that's the moment i realized what you are capable of, what you could do to the human race. My vampirism maybe makes me crave the blood that pumps around their bodies but doesn't mean i don't care for the population. See without them, there's no us. So you shouldn't be surprised that i will do anything to stop your menacing plan. 

My 21st was supposed to be the happiest night of my life. Balloons, banners, party poppers, the lot. Instead i get surprises, fire and death. Thanks to you. That was your goal wasn't it? To try and push me over the edge until i finally break. No. I wont break. Especially from something that you planned. See your my 'little girl' and i wont let you make me feel like the little one. I will gt you back for that night. For me. And for Damon. 

Thats all ive got to say really. I basically wasted paper and my effort writing this. I just need you to know something. Your never gonna win. See i wont break. I'm not you. I wont get to the point where i switch it all off and feel no pain. Because ive got people behind my who keep me strong. Unlike you. You basically have no one. I just want you to know my plan.I was going to keep quiet about it but now i feel like its funnier if i tell. I'm going to cure you of the one thing that powers you. I'm getting the cure to Vampirism. 

I thought of not telling you. Giving you a sneak attack. But i thought it would be funner this way. Race me to it, lets see who wins then. And if i win, then you can come and find me. Then you can show me those powers of yours. Because baby, i have nothing left to lose. I'm the only one left.

Tell Stefan something from me. Tell him that at one time he was my rock. The only one who could make me smile. Now hes the one who made me miserable. Tell him how ashamed i am. If that even means anything to him anymore. Tell him how disgusted i am about him. That he could ever hurt me like that. That he could ever hurt him like that. Tell him hes the reason that his own brother is dead. 

All My Love,

Your Nearest And Dearest Mother. 

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