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Elena's POV:
He jumped in front of me through all the pain and distress.
"Well what a nice surprise to see you guys here" Katherine paid trawling the wall with her index finger. "Nice place here" she added. "So let me get their straight, you gave up your baby, so save a man who you love and all but can't even say he loves you back. Because the pain of you stolen child made him question all emotions. What a great life your having elena" she laughed and the noise made me shiver,
"So your a vampire now, again. Great" Damon said sarcastically.
"Don't look so glum. I'm here to help" she smiled and it looked genuine for the first time.
"Why would you help us?" I said breaking free of Damon's shield.
"Because I'm the reason your daughters gone"

"So let me get this right. You hooked up with him, told him you wanted a family so he would stick around. But he knew you could have children so he stole our daughter" Damon said pacing the room.
"Basically yeah. But I didn't want him to take your baby. You know he has past troubles with you, stirred him on I guess. And now I'm going to come and get my boy toy back while you take the little version of you two" Katherine said sitting down.
"Why should we trust you?" I asked standing beside damon.
"Because I know so much more about rippers than you do"

"So what are we going to do? Jump in on every basement in the world to see if your daughters in there. Because that's a great idea" Caroline whispered to me behind the door.
"She's all the hope we have left Car. I'm not giving up on anyone who might have a chance in helping us" I said to her.
"Yes but the person your in listing help on is Katherine. The same Katherine who screwed over both your boyfriend and your daughter stealing ex" Caroline laughed but I didn't find it funny.
"We need help Caroline. Whether that's Katherine or You. I'll take anyone's help. Like Klaus, he's great help"
"I'm sorry but that man won't be helping us anytime soon. I kind of told him I don't want to get married anymore." Caroline bit her lip.
"You did what?! Car! He's like the love of your life. And he has a healing blood stream!" I laughed and she cracked a smile. "Enzo?" I asked and Caroline shook her head.
"Don't even ask"
"So the plan is to use Katherine as bate. It will so work, he could never resist her" Damon said to a group of us.
"I know it will work but maybe he will see it coming. Stefan isn't dumb you know" I said and then added "he's a ripper but-" then I was cut off by Katherine's voice.
"What?! Stefan didn't take your daughter" she said and we looked at her confused. "Are you really that stupid that you thought your own brother would take your baby. Think about it" suddenly it hit me. Someone who can look like someone else. Someone strong and powerful. Someone who can scare.
Me and Damon looked at each other with worry in our eyes as I whispered "God Dammit, Manson"

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