An Enzo Problem

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Carolines POV:

Elena- We have a problem
Caroline- What kind of problem?
Elena- an Enzo problem
Caroline- Be there in five


"Nice for you to wake up" I said in my cheesy tone that i saved for Enzo.
"Long time no see gorgeous" he smiled a weak smile as he sat himself up against the wall.
"Not for me, ive been waiting for you to wake up from a small dose of vervain for around a week now. Whats wrong?" I asked geuinial worry consumed me as i had a special place in my heart for him. "Wouldnt want to worry your pretty head now?" I watched his every movement, anaylising all his movement. The way he had unhealed bite marks showing on his neck. The way he held his body like it was realing pain. The bloody stains on his long sleeved t-shirt which was grubby and over worn. He held his arm in a way that confused me. It made me worry like I had seen it before on Damon and Elena. Suddenly realision hit me.
"Show me your arm!" I shouted at him, I didn't wait for a answer though. I pulled up his sleeve and my thoughts were confirmed. On his arm was a great, big, flesh eating Werewolf bite. And it wasn't small. "How long?!" I shouted but he didn't answer. "How long have you been biten?!" This time i could see the sadness in his face as he replied the words I hated most to hear.
"I got a phone call from someone who sounded like Stefan. They didn't say a name or anything, I just remembered the voice. I didn't ask I just followed his words. He told me that Damon had been ignoring my calls and dodging me since the fight. He knew I would want to finish him off for good so he told me where I would meet him. I was thrilled to be able to finish the fight but there was something else I wanted to see first. Or more like someone" he started an raised his eyebrows. "Me?" I asked knowing the answer. He nodded then continued.
"You weren't there. You apparently went out on an errand according to Klaus. He didn't like the idea of me being there to meet you and said that if I came near you again he would finish me off. So I told him where to shove it and said I wouldn't give up on you. He kept his promise of killing me but he didn't do it quickly, he decided to make me suffer. By urm-" I cut him off by waving him off, "No!" I shouted "He would never do a thing like that to me. He loves me!"
"Thats why he done it! So that I would stay away. He knew I would never give up on you and decided the better option. But the better option wasn't that great for me" he said sadly, "We are leaving" I said to him standing up and helping him to his feet. He looked at me confused. "One word, Four letters" I smiled and I saw a smirk appear on his face.

"Klaus!" I shouted busting through the door. I saw his face appear and smile appeared on his face as he saw me. "Hey love" he said starting to approach me but backed away as he saw the man next to me, "Whats he doing here?" He asked angrily.
"Getting your blood" I said bluntly and he backed away even further. "Over my dead body. And as I can't be killed thats a long time to wait" He smiled at his joke but then his smiled dissapeared when he saw that I wasn't laughing.
"He's my friend Klaus! You don't go around trying to kill my friends. Hes my friend but your my fiancee." I shouted at him. "Fiancee?" Enzo said confused "Well this took a good turn"
"I will not heal him, Caroline. Whether you plead with me or not" suddenly I felt angry and sad. I held Enzos hand and ran as fast as I could until I was at my old house. With my mum gone the house would be empty and I could try and make Enzo's last days good. I took him upstairs and laid him in my old bed. He was sweating like I've never seen anyone do before and his eyes seemed a colour of evil. I remebered what happened to Elena, when she saw dead people, the pain she felt and the flashbacks and moments she saw. Once he was settled in bed I sat besides him and I watched him close his eyes. But they were closed for long as he looked right at me and smiled. "Why did you come back to see me?" I blurted out suddenly. "I didn't know you were engaged. Since when?" He asked ignoring the question. "Since about a year after you dissapeared with no letter, text or call to tell me your okay. Don't ignore my question Enzo. Its not great to say but your dying. Now tell me why you came to see me" He seemed lost for words but soon he made out some. "I didn't know about you and Klaus. I came to apologise to you for leaving after everything that happend with us. I left just after you said that stuff because I had never heard it before until then. I didn't know how to react" He sounded sad. "The way to react wasn't to leave. We could of been happy, Enzo. It just didnt work out. After you left Klaus came back from New Orleans and we started something up. At first I thought it was just something to help me not feel sad but I really fell. I'm sorry that you feel that way about what happend but maybe it was for the best after all" I said smiling sweetly. I felt the tension between us so i changed the subject "So whats your dying wish. What one thing do you want to do before you die. How did you feel about me back then?" I asked.
"I loved you Caroline. Of course I did. But I was panicked and I tried to run away from the feelings incase I done something bad to you. I didn't want to let you down" he said to me but I felt anger when he sad the words. "You done bad by me for leaving Enzo! I felt the same and all I wanted was you to show me some love" I half shouted angrily. I felt hate and love for this boy all mixed in one. But I knew I shouldn't. "Caroline, you don't know the reason I left! I never wanted to hurt you and I didn't want to get hurt. When I was still in Mystic Falls, I heard about Klaus coming back from New Orleans and it scared me. What he done to Tyler when all he did was love you, I didn't want that to happen to me. So I decided it was better for me if I left. Its selfish, I know, But I had to sacrafice you for my safety. And guess where it got you. Love, Passion, Hapiness. You have grown and thats because of your love with Klaus. You do feel for him more than you could ever feel for me. I'm a broken vase and I can't be fixed. Especially now" A tear rolled down his face for the first time I had seen. I felt sorry for him. "I never hated you when you left. I was angry that I got no warning, but I never hated you. I could never hate you even if you done the worst thing anyone had ever done to me. Your part of my past and I hope you will stick around long enough to be part of my future. I will get you healed whatever it takes" I kissed his forehead and laid down besides him with my head on his chest. It was warm and safe, for the first time everybody I wanted and needed was in one place.

His head was boiled up and sweat dripped down his face. Hours past and screams and moans could be heard from a mile away. It was painful to watch him suffer the worst pain a vampire could feel. I stroked his forehead with a flannel and made him drink water (much to his distress). Soon his breathes got shorter and I predicted less than a couple of hours. "Enzo, please don't give up. Fight it" I said to him checking my phone for a reply from Klaus. "He hates me being anywhere near you. He won't heal me even for you Car" He said huffing for breath between each breath. "Enzo you need to know that when you left I still loved you. I never gave up on you coming back until Klaus proposed and I realised that you weren't going to make another appearance so I said yes. I didn't mean to replace your love with someone elses but I couldn't live eternity waiting. Maybe I should of hang on a bit more. Then we wouldn't be in this situation" I said explaining. "Thats why i'm not going to give up on you because I'll always feel some love for you and-" i went to continue but i was interrupted by Enzos lips colliding with mine. It was gentle but passionate, I felt myself get sucked into the kiss and I didn't pull away. Until there was a knock at the door. I pulled away quickly and I didn't make eye contact as I answered the door. But there was no one there but a glass of blood and a note reading 'This isn't for him love, this is for you Car'. I ran back in and placed the glass in Enzos hand and helped him drink. In an instance his flesh eating mark on his arm healed and his neck wounds molded over. I felt relief spread over me as I saw him gain strength again. "I'm healed!" He shouted in joy standing from the bed. "You can stay here till you get back on your feet and decide where your going" I said looking at the floor. "Thats it! We just kissed Caroline! Did It mean anything to you?" he asked. "I'm engaged to Klaus, Enzo. He can never find out" i said brefiely looking at him. "I'm not giving up Caroline!" He shouted before I slammed the door. The last thing I heard was a small mumble coming from the room "I still love you and I will never give up"


Hello;) i hope you liked this chapter. if you want more other POV's then please tell, i will update a delena one tomorrow:D

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