Katherines Choice

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Elenas POV:
I woke up in a comfy bed and sun shining through the window. I smiled as I rolled over and found Stefan laying there. But then the memories of yesterday flashed before my eyes. Manson's dead! Me and Damon killed him. Damon. Me and Damon hugged. It was nice. Too nice. Too friendly. Now Stefan in bed with me. God.
I went downstairs and was greeted by Jeremy and pancakes.
"Morning" i stammered.
"Morning Elena. Now do you and Damon want some pancakes?" He asked and then I realised whilst he had been away, a lot had changed,
"About that" I started but was interrupted.
"Morning Jer, pancakes... yum" Stefan said taking a seat.

After a bitter welcome I made my way over to the Boarding house. I walked up the stairs as the door was open and was greeted by Damon and Jenna. She ran up to me and hugged me tight.
"Mummy. Right?" She said looking at damon.
"Right! Well done" Damon answered smiling. I hugged her tight.
She ran off to play as I talked to Damon. "She's changed...a lot"
"Klaus helped. As she's part vampire she can't be compelled by just us. An original. He took away her memories of Manson and...cages. It's hard for her to match face to name but she's doing good." He informed me and I smiled a genuine smile. Everything seemed perfect.
I hugged Damon tight and the awkwardness from last night returned. But this time it was because of what we knew was going to happen. I leaned out and I felt our eyes connect. Suddenly his eyes were on my lips as he leaned in.
"Sorry to interrupt, I'm here to collect my part of the deal" Katherine said breaking our moment, "Manson"
We went into the living room. I sat down as Damon passed her a glass of expensive bourbon.
"Either you have suddenly become the most generous man around" she said signalling to the bourbon, "or something's up"
"The thing about Manson is..." Damon started.
"I killed him" I said bluntly.
"What?!" She shouted.

"He deserved what he got" I said loudly. "Didn't you see what he done to my daughter"
"I don't care about your precious miracle child. I wanted my half of the deal!" She shouted tipping over the table so it hit the floor.
"Careful, antiques." Damon said checking the table.
"Do you know what was also antique. Manson. He was one of the most powerful supernaturals going. And you just killed him?! Are you plain crazy.!" She shouted once again.
"Katherine, you said you were helping us. Not trying to get Manson back. If you had told us that then I would of totally discussed how I was going to kill him before I did" I said and Damon laughed quietly.
"Glad you find this funny. Well maybe I'll just kill the one you love most. But who is that nowadays. Because I bet Stefan would want to know about that lovely moment you had before" she said.
I stepped forward, "stay away from Stefan" I growled.
"Or maybe it will be damon. Should I pull his head off or rip his heart out. You know a lot about that don't you" she laughed.
"It wasn't just her! Hurt me, not her" Damon said stepping forward.
"Then what do you have mutual interest in. Not Stefan, no blond vamps or Bennett witches. I know" she said and I felt her eyes past me.
I jumped, teeth bearing and my golden eyes showing. "Don't lay a finger on her!" Damon braced too but she hit him to the wall. A piece of wood staked his stomach making him not able to move.
"Me and you, Gilbert" she shouted launchin at me.
I grabbed her throat pining her to the wall. My teeth scratched her skin just before she injected me with some wolfs bane/vervain. I screamed in pain as she pushed me to the floor. She picked Jenna up and stroked her hair out of her face.
"See, it's almost like we were doppelgängers" she laughed.
"How should I do this. Light the house, no. Steal the kid, nah. I know" she said as she placed her wrist in my daughters mouth.
I screamed out! But I couldn't move from the spot.
"Don't worry baby, it won't hurt....a lot" I felt my feet move from the ground and i pounced but I was too late as Katherine zapped away. I turned to the door ready to pounce until I heard Damon's cries. As I turned around I saw a lifeless Jenna. But she was dead. Dripping out of her mouth was Katherine's, vampire blood.

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