Chapter Twenty

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I pull my suitcase up the few billion stairs until I reach the door and press the door bell because I didn't take my keys with me.

Caspar opens the door and pulls me into a big hug.

"How are you?" He mumbles into my hair.

I look up at him.


"It's weird just you here and not Joe."

He takes my case and puts it in my room.

"Get in a onesie. We're gonna have onesie movie night and order pizza. I've already gone down to the shop and got a shit load of sugary stuff and some doritos."

I walk in my bedroom and find my neon unicorn onesie, get changed and walk into the living room.

Caspar is sitting on the sofa in a blue onesie surrounded by bags and bags of what I presume is food.

He seems me standing in the doorway and looks up.

"Hey. Nice onesie!"

I laugh. "You too!"

We both laugh at the fact that what I said doesn't make any sense.

After eating a heck load of food, Frozen finishes and we are left lying on a sofa together watching a blank screen.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, with an email symbol on my notification bar.

I open up emails and read it.

Hello Miss Sugg

I am David Raines, the organiserof VidCon, a big YouTubemeet up.

At VidCon you get to meet your fans and other big YouTubers.

It has come to myattentionthat people will wantto meet youandyou could be good at doing a few panels.

VidCon is from June the 22nd till June the 27th and we will pay for your travel and accommodation.

Hoping to hear back from you
David Raines
The organiser and manager of VidCon

I read it and then shove my phone in Caspar's unsuspecting face.

He reads the email and then pulls me into a big hug.

"Oh my God Yay! Woo! You're coming to VidCon!" He shouts, almost deafening me.

"Haha yes I guess I am! I'll text Zoe and Joe!"

Excitement bubbles up in my stomach. That's only two months away. Two months!

After making a few excited phone calls I sit back down on the sofa.

"Well fancy that. Miss Charity Sugg attending VidCon. Hey you'll lose your VidCon virginity!"

"Oh shut up!" I say and then laugh.

A/N well this is short. Sorry. I'vesort of given up with this story I don'treally like it thatmuch any more but hopefully I will aS NEXT CHAPTER IS VIDCON! WOOO

also I know I probably got the dates wrong. Thatwas a guess. Don'tkill meh D:

I'lljustgo write the next chapter now.

Byeee xxx♥♡

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