Chapter Eight

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It's weird at college. The crowd of people getting into their lockers parts like the red sea as I walk through, people whisper about me and some act like they've known me since birth, yet on Friday they blanked me.

I'm invited to sit with various people at lunch. I end up siting with a girl called Rosie and her friends who all seem pretty nice. It's weird how being a Sugg changes everything.. and I'm not sure if it's for the better.

I didn't realise that more than half my school watched my siblings and even those who actually don't have seen my video and know.

At the end of the school day I start walking back, thinking about my weird day and how people actually acknowledged my existence.

And it's great.

When I get home I have a quick snack and steal Zoe's lights and camera and tripod and get ready to set up for my video I'm going to film with Monique.

An hour later I run to the door and open it to reveal Monique standing on my doorstep.

Monique is the same age as me (17) and we both share an obsession for the TRXYE jumpers and the Internet in general.

"Hey!" I say as she comes in, takes off her Doc Martens and her coat.

"Hi! So what are we filming today?" She asks, flicking her straight ginger hair over her shoulder.

"I was thinking the home makeup challenge for my channel and whatever you want to do for your channel?"

In twenty minutes I've got mayonnaise as foundation, ketchup as blush, paprika as bronzer and contour, edible glitter as highlight, spinach eyeshadow and my eyebrows are filled in with marmite.

I'm so going to get her back.

I give her jam blush, hummus concealer, jam lipstick and stick random bits of cabbage to her face.

For her video, we decide to do the 'tin can challenge'.

After that she leaves and I am left to do my psychology homework and print off some pictures for photography.

I finally feel like a real, living person. Like I'm actually living and existing and not wasting all my time.

Later, Joe helps me edit the video and I go to sleep.

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