Chapter Seventeen

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Last night we stayed at our old house. I refuse to talk to dad and spent most the night awake. Zoe stayed at the hospital with Alfie in case anything happened or they told her his scan results.

As soon as I awoke, Joe drove us both to hospital and we found Alfie's ward.

We sat and down two uncomfortable chairs and watch Alfie and Zoe in silence. She's holding his hand, and closing her eyes. I don't know if she's asleep or not.

"Zoe?" Joe says, walking around the slides of the small hospital bed.

She looks up. "You probably should go to home. You can't be here for Alfie if you can barely open your eyes. Come back with us."

She looks up at him in a way I can tell she knows Joe is right. "Okay." She says. "Only for a few hours."

Joe tells me to go back with her while he stays with Alfie, finding out any results he can.

He really has stepped up to the role of the Alpha male.

Zoe unlocks the car and begins to get in the drivers seat till she stops.

"No I can't drive. I don't want to. I don't feel safe." She says.

"I'll ring for a taxi."

After I've ordered the taxi, a thought pops into my head.

"Zo, do the viewers know about Alfie? Like, I know it's early on but they're going to be wondering about Alfie..and why he's not posting videos and why he's absent from social know.."

"Would you mind logging in his social media and explaining? I.. I don't want to write anything..not now. It will make it more real for me.."

I nod and Zoe types in his twitter details and logs me in.


Hey guys, it's Charity here (Zoe and Joe's sister) Alfie was in a car crash yesterday (I'm not going to specificate his injuries as I don't think Zoe or Alfie himself would be comfortable with that) but he's in hospital , not that well. He won't be posting videos for at least a month and will be absent from social media for a little while till he's better. Thank you all for being so understanding. Charity x

I post it and wait for a reply. Hundreds of re tweets from viewers and people asking if he's okay and whatnot. I lock my phone and look up at Zoe.

"Zoe I promise you he'll be okay. For the baby."

She looks at me. "I've got my first scan in a week. What happens if he can't come? To see his own baby. What happens if he's not even there for the birth? What happens if he never sees his child?" She sobs into my arms.

"I don't know, Zoe." And with that we both get into our taxi and endure the ride home.

A/N sorry I didn't update for a few days..had the old writers block but hey Ho here we are now!

Thanks for reading
Lucy xo


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