Chapter 30

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A huge cheer raises from the crowd as Dan, Phil and I all walk out to the meet and greet to see a long line of people standing there. 

"This is kind of awkward. No one really knows who I am." I whisper to Phil. 

"I'm sure they do know you but even if they don't, they will still have the pleasure of being in your grace." 

We both laugh as I put my bag on Dan and Phil's jackets

A blonde girl with the trademark cat whiskers wearing a My Chemical Romance top is first in line. She walks up to the meeting area.

"Hi. How are you?" Phil says. She smiles as Dan puts on a fluffy bunny ears headband. "Hey, do these suit me guys?" Dan asks jokingly. 

I walk closer towards them and grab a cowboy hat and plonk it on Phil's head.

"Do you mind if I take a picture of you three for my Twitter?" I ask.

The girl nods and I take the picture. 


Meeting cool people with @danisnotonfire and @amazingphil <33

The meetup runs smoothly, the most odd thing is that most of the people know me. 

Another hour later and we are allowed a ten minute break. We get lead to the green room by a member of staff and sit down on some worn out leather chairs. 

My phone pings. Caspar. 

Caspar: I've seen your tweets. Why have you gone off with Dan and Phil and what have I done? I'm so confused babe xx

I reply with a bitter:

 You know what you've done. Luckily for you, I'm not going to tell Joe- he'd beat the living daylights out of you. Listen, don't contact me, text me, talk to me, favourite my tweets or anything. I don't want what you've done to ruin my time in America. Okay? One last thing, don't call me 'babe'. We're not together any more. Do you understand? What you've done has really hurt me. I actually thought I meant something to you. C. 

Caspar: You don't get it, do u? I don't know what I've done. I wouldn't hurt u on purpose ever. Come back here and stop being so stupid. Anyway, who told u about 'what I've done' and what even was it ?

Charity: I can't say who told me.  Stop contacting me. End of.

My phone pings again, this time with a random British mobile number. 

+447712709768: Hey x

Charity: Hi, who is this?

+447712709768: Jack. I meant what I said earlier. I like you and I'm angry at Caspar for treating you this way x

Charity: How did you get my number? 

+447712709768: Zoe. Have you broken up w/ Caspar yet or? We should go out some time or something just the two of us- no one else x

I sigh and lock my phone. 

"What's up?" Phil says whilst Dan sits in the corner playing what looks like Flappy Bird. 

"Caspar says he doesn't know what he's done and Jack Harries has somehow got my number. Jack was the one who told me about Caspar but now he's saying that he likes me and now he's asked me out on a date. What do I reply? I like Caspar, not Jack. God, I'm in such a mess."

Dan looks up from his phone and chuckles.

"Ooh, Charity. You really are the local hearthrob." He says before looking at me. "But in all seriousness, do you want me to reply to Jack for you? I'll show you the message before sending it, I promise."

I nod and hand him my phone. 

"Bloody hell, guys. I really do owe you a lot."

***A/N hey I think I'm going to double update. p.s is there anything anyone would like to see happen or something? i don't know, i already have plans but if there's something you want to happen then i'd love to include it***

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