Chapter 32

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"HELP!" I scream, trying to catch the attention of someone through the other side of the van. I gasp and start hyperventilating. It's surreal. You see things about this on the news but you'd expect it to happen to you. Never. 

I pound my fist against the door as the van zooms down the road, sending me flying in the back of the van, my elbow colliding with the wall of the van. I yelp in pain as a tear threatens to roll down my cheek. 

I whip my phone out and try to ring Dan. No signal. Typical. The one moment I actually require my phone for something important-

My inner thoughts are cut short by the van suddenly stopping,presumably at traffic lights, making me crash hard into the side. I yelp again, trying to catch the attention of someone on the street. 

I knock as hard as I can on the side of the van whilst shouting. No response. 

It's useless, me trying to make any efforts. I'm going to end up dead anyway. Probably forgotten by everyone within a week. I sit down on the dirty floor, my black ripped jeans contrasting with the stained ash brown floor. Tears start to roll down my cheeks as I realise this will probably be one of my last moments alive. 

I have no way of contacting anyone, saying goodbye. The van continues driving, making a sharp turn before completely stopping. I'm panicking now. My heart is racing so, so fast. I'm a goner. My breathing is quickened. My body goes weak as black spots start to block out my vision. 

I feel weak, faint, sick. I mentally curse myself. Why do I feel faint? Is gas being put into the back of this van to make me pass out? To make it easier for my kidnapper to transport me somewhere else? I shut my eyes, shuddering at the thoughts. 

The back door to the van is opened, blinding me with light. I gasp. "What the hell?" 

I know them all too well.


a/n lol guys i updated i'm really sorry it's so bad but yea please don't hate me too much.

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