Chapter Twenty-Six

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A/N I haven't updated this in so long I'm sorry, I don't have an excuse really.. but I've created a new account because too many people who I know in real life have started reading my fanfiction and if that's not super awkward I don't know what is

My first meet and greet. I walk out from behind the navy blue curtain, holding my vlogging camera above my head and recording the reaction I get from the crowd qued up. 

Wait, are they queing up to see me?

I get to my stall where a photographer is setting up her camera, ready to take photos of me with people. 

As soon as people see me, they start screaming. 

I feel a pair of hands of my waist and I jump forward and turn round. Caspar.

"Ahh you scared me!" I say.

There are cries of "Chaspar" in the crowd as Caspar smiles at me. "Mind if I join you for this meet and greet? Mine's later and I have nothing to do right now."


One by one, people come forward to get photos with me and some people are so nice I actually end up crying.

In the middle break, I go to the ViCon Creators canteen and buy myself some cold water and a packet of crisps.

"Charity.. maybe soon we should tell our viewers" Caspar says, and I can't help but agree, 

Within a few minutes, the break is over and we go back to the meet and greet. Posing for more and more and more photos till my arms are tired from hugging people. Thw crowds have gone and there is no one else around so Caspar puts him arm around me and we walk to Caspar's meet and greet.

I can feek the jet lag start to get to me as when I'm hugging someone my eyelids begin to close.

I yawn and lean on Caspar.

"Jet lag?"

"Jet lag." I yawn again. 

"Charity, my meet up finishes in ten minutes." He says, bringing me closer to kiss him until he realises what he's about to do in front of a large crowd of people.

"Jesus Caspar, that was close."

He laughs and we continue to meet people until the end of his meet and greet. 

A/N this is such a crappy update I'm sorry. I'll update again today probably. Love you xo

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