Chapter 31

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I tie the shoelaces of my classic black converse and shut the hotel room door behind me before jamming my earphones into my ears and blasting My Chemical Romance. 

I decided earlier that when my panel was over, I'd walk down to the beach to clear my mind. I go down three sets of steps to the main lobby and out of the exit. 

I love walking, I love that I have so much freedom and that I can go anywhere. I love the feeling of my hair getting caught in the wind and the fresh air. 

I decide to walk down the short cut, a narrow alleyway that leads directly to the beautiful golden sandy beach. 

All of a sudden, my head gets viciously jerked back. I try to scream but the attacker is covering my mouth with a cloth. My eyes start to water from the pain of my hair being pulled. 

All of a sudden, I realise that I'm powerless. The attacker is strong and I'm not. I kick and fight but I'm no good. My iPod falls out of my pocket and clatters to the floor as I'm dragged back through and thrown into the back of a dark, cramped van. 

***A/N were you expecting this or ? I read quite a few vidcon/playlist fanfictions and most (correct me if I'm wrong) fanfictions have the same storyline of cheating etc. and I want to write something that's slightly different from the rest. -lucy***

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