Chapter Ten

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Joe comes into the room, interrupting Zoe and I's Gossip Girl binge. "Hey. I've told everyone to come at 7 on Saturday for the party. I was going to say tonight but Dad said that's too short notice and Charity has school tomorrow and blah blah blah. You know Dad and how he is."

Zoe looks at me and then at Joe. "Maybe I can announce my pregnancy and relationship then to all my friends?" Zoe says, picking at her light pink nail polish.

"Yeah. Maybe." He says awkwardly, obviously not wanting to talk to Zoe about the whole pregnancy situation.

"Whose coming?" I say in a pathetic attempt to change the subject and make the conversation slightly less awkward.

"Urmm..Caspar, Finn, Jack, Monique, Louise, Matt, Alfie, Niomi, Marcus, Dan, Phil.. and some other people." And with that he walks out of the room, unaware that I don't have a clue who most of these people are and that I'm a social reject who will probably stand in a corner of the room and stay there for the whole party trying to talk to people and failing.

I un-pause Gossip Girl and go back into the world of Chuck Bass and Blaire.

My phone buzzes. It's Monique.

M: 'Hello! Joe has invited me to the party at yours on Saturday and I can't wait! see you then x'

I quickly reply back with a

'yeah see you then!' before turning the TV off and walking upstairs to film another video but this time about my Holiday Essentials.

After filming the video, I find myself  sighing. Is this really what I want? To be noticed by random people in the street and swarmed by people at school?

Pushing the thoughts aside, I take the memory card from the camera, put it into the adapter and attach it to my iMac vior USB.

The next hour or so consists of me editing like Joe taught me to and worrying about the party and meeting new people.

For dinner I eat some mashed potato, sausages, plenty of ketchup, peas and carrots and go on my online addiction. Instagram, of course.

I scroll through the comments of my last post which was a selfie with monique.

Some were nice, but some were utterly venomous.

'Ugly bitch'

'Ur only famous bcuz of Zoe'

'Nobody actually likes you. They only watched your video because it had Joe in it and he tweeted about kit otherwise you would be nowhere.'

'Lol please go kill urself"

And one comment really pops out.

@tillymorganx: 'stupid bitch'

Why would Tilly comment that. Like, I know she hates me, but why do that? Does she not realise I'm going to see and know it's her?

..or does she not care anymore?

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