Chapter Sixteen

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I sit up in the dark, confused. I pick my phone up and check the caller ID. Zoe.

I next check the time. 11:56 pm.

Why is Zoe calling me so late? She knows I like my sleep. It must be something important.

"Hello?" I say.

There's silence on the other end and then a sob. "Zoe?"

My forehead feels like it's on fire and I get a sick worried feeling at the pit of my stomach. I know something isn't right.

"Something really terrible has happened."she whispers.


"Alfie was in a car crash.." she begins. I gulp.

She breaks down in tears.

"And he might not.." I feel a tear slip down my cheek. "He might not make it."

I run into Joe's room sobbing and utter a goodbye to Zoe.

"Charity?" He looks up from his laptop. "Alfie's been in a car crash and Zoe says that he might not even make it. We need to go now." I say on a rush. He puts his arm around me.

"Okay. We'll go. Come on. I'll tell Caspar that we're going while you unlock the car."

Those small three hours to Wiltshire felt like a lifetime and we had to pull over more than once because I felt like I was going to be sick.

When we arrived we parked in the Wiltshire General Hospital and ran to the ward Alfie was on.

Intensive care.

We made our way to the cramped room he was in and greeted our pale, tear stained sister.

It's three in the morning but adrenaline is rushing through my body, making me feel like I've downed a few energy drinks and cofees.

"They say he's in a coma." Zoe says quietly.

"And that he might know..wake up." A single tear slips down her cheek, drips off her chin and plummets to the floor.

Alfie looks so ill. His arms are in  white casts that go from his thumbs to his shoulders, there are cuts and bruises all over his face and he looks physically drained of all life.


"And they also said that he might have a brain injury. He's having a scan in the morning." I hug my frail sister and comfort her to the best of my ability.

Alfie might die.

The father to my sister's unborn baby.

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