Chapter Fourteen

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It's about 4:00 am by the time everyone has gone. We are left with the aftermath of the party. Crisps on the floor, beer bottles just about every where, red wine on the carpet..

"Shit. Dad's going to kill me."Joe slurs, giggling a little as he presses a tea towel on the stain in a attempt to lift it.

Zoe's fallen asleep on the sofa and I can feel my eyelids drooping. I'm half tempted to lie down on the floor and pretend to be dead so I don't have to clear up.

Joe looks at me. "Go to bed. Don't worry, I'll clear up." Joe says.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yes. Wake Zoe up and make her go to bed as well."

I wake Zoe up and she goes to her bedroom while I go to the bathroom.

Eye liner is smudged all over my eyelids and my lipstick has nearly all gone.

I sigh and remove the last of my make-up before going to bed.

In the morning..

I'm awoken by what I think is my dad shouting.

"Joe you bloody idiot! I can't belive you spilt red wine all over the cream carpet!"

Wow he sounds angry. I don't think I've ever actually heard him so angry.

I walk downstairs in my floral pyjamas to the living room.

"Joe you don't do anything around here apart from cause mess! And I'm bloody sick of it! In fact it's about time you found your own place. You know when I was your age I had a house and I had already started my own business! You really do need to pull yourself together. Your 23. Not a 16 year old any more."

Joe looks down, anger written all over his face. His fists are clenched so hard his knuckles are white compared to his tanned arm and hand.

"Fine. I'll move out today. Now in fact."

They both look towards the door way and notice me standing there.

"If Joe goes I'm going too." I say.

"Sorry what?"

"If Joe goes I'm going too. He earns enough from YouTube to support both of us." I say, louder this time.

Dad looks at me, shocked. "And your education?" He says, throwing his hands in the air as if to prove a point.

"I have a week left of school. And I'll make sure there is a good university wherever we move."

Joe puts his arm around me supportively.

We both leave the room.

"Caspar said he was looking for a roombmate. He wants to move to London. I'll text him and ask." Joe says, taking our his iPhone from his jeans pocket.

I walk upstairs and to Zoe's room. She's already awake.

"Zoe..I need to tell you something..I think I'm moving to London with Joe and Caspar."

Zoe looks up from her iMac.

"What? Why are you doing that? Don't you need me to help you and give you advice like a big sister does?" She says, tears forming in her eyes.

"Zoe I'm seventeen and I have Joe. I'll visit, I promise."

I leave her room and walk out into the corridor where Joe is standing.

"Charity, Caspar got let a penthouse apartment with three bedrooms this morning. It's in London and near Kings Cross University. He wanted the third bedroom as an office but he said he doesn't mind you having it. He's moving in a week and we can pay rent like he is." Joe says.

I smile at my anxious looking brother. "Great! Let's start packing and thank Caspar for me."

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