Chapter Two

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When I go downstairs in the morning, I'm greeted with the smell of burning food and Zoe with a bright green face mask. I walk over to Joe who appears to be  attempting to cook pancakes. I laugh a little.

Let me just say, attempt is the key word here. Joe can't cook and has even started a fire in our kitchen before.  Zoe's face mask is unknowingly dripping into the pan as her and Joe fight about flipping it over or not.

I shouldn't have to face this so early in the morning. It's probably psychologically damaging  or something.

I sigh, walk up the stairs and decide that chocolate is probably a more substantial breakfast than burnt pancake/face mask.

I hate it when people fight. It makes me feel all fluttery and panicky. Even if it is just my older, more "responsible" siblings bickering about nothing of importance. I'm so much more mature than them, even if they don't like me saying it. 

I remember that today I'm going shopping today with Zoe.

I curl my hair, put on some skinny ripped jeans and a black and white crop top and then apply some foundation, mascara, lipstick, bronzer and eye-liner before heading downstairs.

"Zo..when are we going shopping?" I ask. She looks at me with a almost guilty expression on her face.

"I'm really sorry but today Tanya and Louise are coming over so we can film the 'Top Beauty Products' collab we planned a few months ago. I completely forgot, I guess. Maybe tomorrow?"

Well, that's nice. I come second to Zoe, after YouTube. I sigh and mutter something behind me before shutting the door and walking back up to my bedroom, going back to my laptop to probably scroll through Tumblr aimlessly until stupid hours in the morning.

Why do my siblings care more about the Internet than me? Blood is meant to be thicker than water, right?

I throw myself on to my bed and start to daydream, tapping along to the tune in my head gently on my laptop.

Would anyone really miss me if I wasn't born? I mean, no one ever really makes the effort to talk to me in this house. Maybe I'd be better off dead.

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