Episode 1. Pilot | 2

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Julianne Bailey Routledge

"It's a double overhead out there, guys!" John B yelled at Pope and I as we fought against the harsh wind and rain that was smacking against us.

"Double overhead?" Pope asked, clearly shocked. I was too focused on not being blown over, not giving their comments any attention.

We stopped, looking over the water as thunder clapped around us. The waves were bigger than any of us had ever seen.

"Those aren't surfable waves." Pope stated. Usually, whatever Pope said, went. But not this time. John B and I didn't care if it was possible or not; We were doing it.

I laughed, nudging Pope's arm, "Says who?"

John and I broke into a sprint towards the water, laughing the whole time. Pope stayed back, deciding that death wasn't worth it.

Once in the water, the we paddled farther out. I caught a wave, laughing at my brother as he tumbled into the water. After riding out the wave, I turned back towards John B, who was looking father out.

I tried to see what he saw, but whatever it was, was too far away for me to see. I looked to shore at Pope, who was turned the other way as to not get sand in his eyes.

"There's a boat out there." John B suddenly showed up behind me.

"What? There's no way anyone is out in this."

"Whatever. Let's go." He said, ushering me out of the water. He's six and a half minutes older than me, which prompted him to try and act like my older brother, which I guess he technically was.

We all made our way back to John B and I's house, where I decided that my social battery had ran out, bidding everyone goodnight as I headed into my room, falling asleep to Agatha's rigid sounds.

"Jules, wake up." I was shaken awake by my brother, groaning at the light hitting my face.

"What do you want? And what did I say about being in my room?" I sighed, rolling over.

He shrugged, "Come with me to see the damage." I sat up and grabbed my phone, John B stopping me, "No service and no power."

That's just great. I followed him out of the house, John B trying to wake JJ up on the way. Both of us halting at the tattered area.

"Oh, man." I said while yawning.

"That's no good." John B said to himself, inspecting the damage further while I stayed put in my spot.

"Agatha did some work, huh?" JJ said from behind me, making me jump.

I nodded, "Yeah, she did."

John B was clearing out the HMS Pogue, which was our hangout boat. JJ and I went over to help him get it in the water, deciding that it was a perfect time to fish.

We were now pulling up to Pope's dock, greeting a few people.

"Hi, Miss Amy!" John B called to some locals, "You guys get through it?"

Amy waved at us, "Still here!"

JJ turned to us, a smirk on his face, "She totally looked at me."

"I saw it."

I smacked John B's arm, "Don't encourage him."

We pulled up next to Pope, who was cleaning off the deck.

John cupped his hands around his mouth, making walkie talkie sounds, "We have a safety meeting. Attendance mandatory."

Pope dropped the hose, "I can't. My pops got me on lock down."

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