Episode 8. The Runaway | 31

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Julianne Bailey Routledge

It was dark out and the group had left hours ago. I didn't tell them anything more about what happened and, thankfully, they didn't pry. I'm sure they would find out soon enough. I don't know what John B did after he left, but I assumed that he had gone to speak to Sarah.

Finally, John B opened the door, yelling in, "Pope? Jules? Hello?"

I sat up from the couch and he held his light to me, "Over here. It's just me."

He was crying and I made my way over to him, wrapping our arms around each other. After a few moments, he left my side and went into dads room as I trailed behind him. We stayed in silence as he looked through his things. It seemed that neither of us could believe that he was really dead.

John B turned to me, holding dads picture, "Bury the dead?"

I nodded, "Bury the dead."

And so we sat on the dock with dads picture in float as John blew fire onto it, setting it onto the water once it lit.

"Goodbye, dad." I muttered as it floated away, going farther and farther out of site. It was hard to watch, but this was the closest thing to a proper burial that he would get. I could never and would never forgive Ward for what he had done.

"Sarah didn't believe me." John B said, out of the blue.

I looked over at him, "What?"

He shook his head, looking down, "I told her what happened - tried to, at least - and she didn't believe me."

My heart clenched for him, "I'm so sorry, John."

"I think I love her." He stated.



I thought for a moment, sighing, "I think.. I think I love JJ."

His jaw dropped, "For real? Man, I knew you guys had somethin' goin' on."

I shrugged, "I guess, but.."

He finished it for me, "But you're scared." I nodded, "Look, Jules, JJ is an idiot. Therefore, I think you should go for it."


"Yeah, why not?"

"I mean, he is your best friend." I pointed out.

He raised his eyebrows at me, "Julianne, I'm literally dating your ex. I think that you and JJ is fine."

We both started giggling, heading to bed soon after. It took me awhile to fall asleep, the days events replaying in my brain. I had no idea what was going to happen now, but whatever it was, probably wouldn't be good.

John and I set out in the van the next morning, heading to Crain's house. We were going to get that gold, even if it was the last thing we did. When we pulled up, there was a for sale sign stuck in front of it.

John B and I jumped out of the car, getting a better look at the sign. With that, we jumped over the wall, booking it to the well. We were stopped by a barrel, which was labeled 'Cameron Development'.

"No. No." John muttered, both of us just staring at it. Had Sarah told Ward where it was? No, no. She wouldn't do that to us. But then again, how else would Ward have known where it was? Had he really pieced it all together?

"Come on." John said, grabbing my wrist to pull me along with him. We arrived at the well, the rope from before still being there.

I looked down, "You sure you wanna climb down there?"

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