Episode 8. The Runaway | 30

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Julianne Bailey Routledge

He began yelling like a maniac, still climbing the latter, "Get back! Get back!" He began swinging the hook at us, "Get away from the throttle!"

John B let go, pushing me behind him, "Okay! Okay!"

"We're not going anywhere 'till you listen!" Ward shouted, still swinging the hook. Pure terror was all I felt right now.

"Okay! Okay! Relax!"

"You understand! Just stop! It wasn't my fault! It was your father's, okay? It was your father that tried to change-"

My blood ran cold. Ward killed our dad?

John B lunged at him, grabbing the gaff, "You piece of shit!"

All I could do was watch in horror as the two wrestled for the sharp object, putting a hand over my mouth to muffle my screams. As Ward pressed John B against the edge, the hook coming closer and closer to his face. I grabbed a bottle from the cooler, smashing it against Ward's back.

He let go, John B falling over the edge and rolling onto the bottom of the boat. I climbed down the latter and stairs, "John B!"

He grabbed my hand, running with me to the other side of the boat. John B opened the radio compartment, trying to call for help, but Ward must've turned the signal off, only static coming through.

"John, what are we going to do?" I frantically asked, tears welling in my eyes.

Before he could answer, Ward appeared next to us, swinging the gaff at us again. We barely dodged the hit, John B pressing him into a wall. Ward thought fast, kneeing him in the groin. Ward raised the bar, but I jumped into the way before it could come down on John B, taking the brute of the hit.

The shock knocked me to the floor, but gave John B time to lunge back at him. Ward swung it again, John B catching the hook with his cast and sending a hard punch into Ward's face.

He grabbed my arm again, "Come on!" He began dragging me into the home part of the boat, ripping the couch apart.

I glanced outside, trying to see if Ward had gotten up, "What are you doing?!"

He shushed me, "Just hold on!"

John B grabbed a spear gun, loading it up just as Ward slid open the door.

John pointed the weapon at him, "Stay right there! Don't move! Don't move! I swear I'll kill you, Ward."

"Do it. Do it, John B. I know you want to."

John was breathing heavily, "Fuck, shut up."

"But then.. you'd have my body to deal with. Believe me, it's more complicated than it seems. But hey, if you-" Ward threw the gaff at us, knocking the weapon out of my brother's hands. He came barreling at us, but I grabbed the spear gun, whipping him in the face with the barrel of it.

It knocked him down, giving us time to run to the basement and close ourselves in a room.

I began pacing, tears pouring down my face, "We have to get out of here! I don't want to die!"

John began looking around the room, his eyes landing on something, "Come on!" He lead us to a glass fire escape at the top, lifting me through it before pulling himself up. To our luck, there was a jet ski.

We immediately began going to work, unhinging it and using the remote to set it over the water. We climbed on, dropping just as a spear flew over our heads, speeding away from our almost death.

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