Episode 6. Parcel 9 | 26

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Julianne Bailey Routledge

Hours of packing the van later, we were heading to the axe murderer's house, double checking that we had everything the whole way there.

"You got the rope?"

"Got it."

"Grappling hook?"

"We don't have a grappling hook. We're not batman."



"Dark cloths?"

"Got it."



"All right, good."

"We're ready."

"Let's go."

We began climbing out of the car, a million dollar smile on JJ's face, "Let's go get rich, guys."

Kie nodded, "Yeah. Hell, yeah."

It was pitch black out and the cold nipped at our skin, owls chirping in the distance. This whole thing felt like a scene from a horror movie. Everything about this screamed, "Turn back! Turn back!", yet here we were. About to break into Mrs. Crains house, again.

John stopped us before we could all head out, "I wanna say thank you, guys. Seriously."

I nodded, "Yeah. It means a lot that you're here tonight. All of you."

"Always." Kie reminded us.

"Of course, guys." Pope added. Giving us a small smile.

But like always, JJ ruined the moment, "All right, we done with the circle jerk? Can we go do this?"

I scoffed, rolling my eyes at him, yet, a smile formed across my lips. JJ may not have shown his grace to us, but that was JJ in all his glory. You couldn't help but love him.

We began climbing over the fence, JJ boosting me up. I may not have been the most athletic, but hey, I could do physically inclined things when it counted. We were dead silent as we began our trail through the yard, being stopped by a light flipping on.

Sarah gasped, "Shit!"

"Oh, shit."

JJ grabbed me, pulling me behind the bushed, all of us frantically moving out of the light's path. There was absolutely no way that I was about to be murdered by this lady. We fumbled with our flashlights, darkness finally falling upon us. Well, other than the light on the house that still remained on.

John B shushed us, my hand finding JJ's. I really debated kissing him right now, as weird as it sounded. If I was going to die now, I wanted to do at least one bold thing before then.

"Okay, so she has motion sensor lights." Pope informed us.

"We could, uh.. move really slowly, maybe?" JJ suggested.

I shook my head, "That's not how it works." 

"Oh, shit." John cursed, "Let's throw a rock at it."

"What?" Pope hissed.

"That's a really good idea. Let the axe murderer know that we're here." I drawled sarcastically at my brother.

"Throw a rock at it?"

John groaned, "You have a better idea?"

"Literally anything but that." Kie told him.

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