Episode 4. Spy Games | 17

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Julianne Bailey Routledge

JJ shrugged, "All right, chill, bro. All right? They don't know shit."

Pope kept freaking out, "Topper knows I sunk his boat."

"How do you know they know?" I asked.

Pope put his hands over his face, "Because Rafe and Topper posted outside of Heyward's and mad dogged me."

I felt the colour drain from my face at the thought of them knowing what we did, well, I guess they did, but I was guilty by association. Plus, they attacked me too, so I assumed that they thought I had a part in this.

JJ grabbed my hand and shook his head, "Will you calm down and get a grip, man? They don't know shit."

Pope began pacing, "They have cameras. They could have seen me."

I spoke up, trying to ease his nerves, and mine, "There was no power, Pope. How could they have seen you?"

"It's Figure Eight! They have generators."

He was right; I hadn't even though about that. I wanted to cry. The DCS was already trying to find John and I, and the last thing that I needed was a criminal record on top of that.

Pope's tangent kept going, "They don't give scholarships to kids who vengefully sink boats. It's not a good look on my transcript." My heart hurt for Pope. I know how bad he wants that scholarship, and rightfully so. JJ dropped my hand and stood up.

"Enough with the regret, bro!" JJ yelled, "They caved your face in and bashed her head! They hit us, we hit them. It's the law of the jungle. Now, if any Kooks come up to you and ask if you had anything to do with it, you walk up to 'em, look 'em right in the eye, and..."

Pope finished the sentence, "Deny the living shit out of it."

JJ nodded, "That's right. Deny, deny, deny. But, just for safety, we don't go anywhere without protection. Right?" He finished, referring to his gun. Pope nodded and sat in the grass, JJ finally sitting back next to me.

"Where's John B?" Pope asked, turning his head to me.

I shrugged, "DCS took us away and John and I ran. We split up, so I'm not sure where he's at."

I should probably be more worried about him, but I guarantee, I'll be found before he ever would. I guess all of us Routledge's have a thing for disappearing.

"What do we do now?" Pope asked again.

JJ shrugged, "There's a movie being played tonight that we're supposed to see with Kie, so I guess just chill until then."

I widened my eyes at him, "JJ, what if the police are there and they try and take me?"

He put his gaze on me, "Julianne, I promised that I wasn't going to let them take you. We'll be fine."

I nodded and Pope fake gagged, "Okay, I'm going back with my dad before he turns me into fish bate. I'll catch you guys tonight."

"Bye, Pope." I yelled at his retreating form, only getting a small wave in response. Once he was out of view, I turned to JJ, finding that his eyes were already on me. "What?" I laughed at him.

"You're really pretty, you know that?"

My breath hitched, "What?"

His eyes never left mine, "You heard me. I'm not going to repeat myself."

My cheeks were flushed red and my whole body was facing him, so there was no way that I could escape his gaze. I bowed my head down, using my hair to cover myself.

Suddenly, I felt his fingers under my chin, pushing my head up.

"You're cute when you're flustered." He stated, leaning closer. This time, we weren't interrupted, his lips softly pushing against mine.

There weren't fireworks going off, like in books I've read, but instead, there was something better; Pure bliss.

Our lips moved slowly, making me feels things I've never felt before; Even when I was with Sarah. My arms snaked around his neck, laying back and pulling him on top of me. If it weren't for the fact that we were on hard bench, this would be much more comfortable.

His lips traveled down my jaw and onto my neck as I tangles my hands in his air. I had never experienced anything like this, but it felt like heaven. I tugged on his hair, bringing his lips back to mine.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise from inside JJ's house. We pulled apart, lips red and swollen, as JJ looked towards the noise.

He cursed to himself, then turned to me, "Jules, I need you to hide."

He climbed off of me and I furrowed my eyebrows, "What?"

He sighed, "Just, please, hide behind something. Cover your ears and don't move. I'll be back soon, I promise."

I nodded at him and he made his way into the house and I hid behind a shed, doing exactly what JJ told me to do. I tried to think about happy things, like puppies and rainbows, but my mind kept drifting to JJ.

Someone placed a hand on my shoulder, nearly making me jump out of my skin.

"Jesus, Jules! It's just me." JJ said, noticing that he scared me.

I smiled at him, "Of course it is, dork." He looked disheveled, "Are you okay?"

He nodded and held a hand out for me, "Yep. We better get going, we're gonna meet Kie and Pope there."

I took his hand, him pulling me up. Our fingers stayed interlocked as we made our way to the theater.

 Our fingers stayed interlocked as we made our way to the theater

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