Episode 6. Parcel 9 | 25

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Julianne Bailey Routledge

You know, I've never been one for drama, but sometimes, a little back stabbing was fine. Only if it's for a good cause. Although I did feel a bit bad, sitting on Heyward's boat, waiting for Kie and Pope to arrive, it seemed like the only option. If this didn't work, I don't know what would.

JJ teased me about my menacing plan and claimed that I had been corrupted, but John B had always told me that I was Satan in disguise, so, I was only showing my true colours. JJ and I still hadn't talked about our unholy acts, but I was cool with it.

Okay, maybe I wanted something more, but only a tiny bit. Honestly, I really hoped that this plan would work and that Kie and Pope would work out, only because then all of us would at least have someone and we wouldn't all break apart.

Sometimes I think JJ and his gun act more romantic than us. Maybe their ship name would be, like, GJ, you know, for gun and JJ. I guess ours would be JJ, since my first initial is also a J.

"What happened?" Kie asked, finally walking into the Alp were John B and JJ pretended to be fixing something.

"Uh, the alternator's, uh, not alternating anymore." JJ told her, trying to sound like something was actually wrong.

"It's not charged." I added, making it sound more believable.

"Did you check the plugs?" Kie questioned, stepping closer to inspect it.

I stood up from my seat, standing next to her, "No. No, you should check 'em."

JJ and John stood up, handing Kie the tools. We edged our way out as she became focused. Just as Kie figured out that we were lying, the three of us were already diving off the boat and swimming over to Pope, who was about 10 feet away on the HMS Pogue.

A chorus of yelling came from Heyward's boat, but the four of us were already seated and cracking up.

"Get your asses back here!" Kie screeched.

"We can't! Not 'till you two figure it out!" John B denied.

"I will kill every single on of you! Including you, Julianne!"

"You can't just leave!" Sarah chimed.

Pope cupped his hands over his mouth, yelling to the girls, "There's food in the cabin, and JJ rolled a blunt."

JJ put his hand up, "Hydroponic!"

Sarah dove in the water after us, but Pope had already started the engine and we were going too fast for them to even get remotely close.

"Love you, guys! Bye!" I yelled back, giving them one last glance before turning back to the boys, "You think they'll forgive us?"

JJ shrugged, "Who knows and who cares?" He pulled me into his side, "Gotta admit, Jules. You coming up with this whole plan is kinda hot."

"But," John added, "If this all blows up in our face and they both hate us, it's your fault." I shot him a glare and he put his hands up, "Just sayin'."

It was late when we finally made it back to the Chateau, all of us unpacking the boat. Everyone was exhausted from waking up early to set everything up and I absolutely could not wait to be laying in bed.

John B went into dad's room, I went into my room, and the other two sprawled across the couch. For some reason, I couldn't fall asleep, despite the way my eyelids kept falling shut. No matter which way I tossed or turned, my mind kept drifting back to dad.

Was he really still out there? And what would John B and I do if he wasn't? More importantly, what if John B and I find out what happened to him, and it's not what we wanted?

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