Episode 5. Midsummers | 19

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Julianne Bailey Routledge

Kie took me home after the whole JJ thing, making me promise to be her plus one at Midsummers. I agreed, deciding that I had nothing better to do since John B was still gone and JJ wouldn't be around 'till he was bailed out.

The next morning I'm awoken to rustling outside of my house. I get up, walking out the door.

"Jules?" I hear someone whisper yell. I turn around, finding JJ there, staring at me.

I run over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck, "JJ! Oh, my god!" I pull away, a frown forming when I get a good look at him, "What happened to you?"

He shook his head, "Nothing. Come on. We have to hide." He pointed to a car the was parked down the road. He pushed me behind a bush.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on?"

He sighed, "The guys that chased us in the marsh and the ones that broke in to your house are dead. Peterkin thinks that whoever killed them is going to come after you and John B next. They want to talk to John B. And she knows about the gold."

My mouth gaped and JJ put his thumb under my chin, closing my mouth, then pressing a light kiss on my lips.

I smiled, "What was that for?"

"Because I missed you." He shrugged, "And I want you to know that I won't let anything happen to you."

I let out a small laugh, pushing our lips back together, momentarily forgetting about the cop car that was sitting in front of my house. Movement brought us back to reality, pulling apart and looking towards the sound.

I was about to say something, but JJ shushed me, "I'll go look. Stay right here." I nodded and JJ got up. After a few moments, JJ caught my attention, "Jules, come 'ere!"

I got up, following his voice. When I found him, John B was crouched next to him.

I ran over, hugging my brother, "You scared me! Where the hell have you been?"

He scratched the back of his neck, "Kind of all over."

"Guys, let's sneak around to the dock." JJ said. We followed him, having to trudge through heaps of water. JJ suddenly stopped, "Wait, wait, wait, wait. You got the keys to the Pogue?"

John B nodded, "Yeah."

We kept going, finally making it to the boat. The boys got on first, JJ pulling me up once he was situated. We pulled up to the edge of the forest, sitting on some rocks while JJ fills John in.

"First, I almost get strangled to death by Kooks, and now I'm on the hook for 30 grand. We should just dip."

John B sighed, "Okay, where do you wanna go? Hm?"

"Yucatan." JJ shrugged.

"Yucatan?" I asked, laughing slightly.

"No, I'm dead serious right now." I shut my mouth at his words, "Surf all day, and then we could just live off lobsters we catch with our bare hands."

John shook his head, "You just wanna leave 'cause you got your ass beat?"

"You didn't see the photos."

"Think about it." John hopped off the rocks, "They're willing to kill for the gold, then it's gotta be out there."

I lifted my head as JJ started yelling, "Have you lost your mind? One hundred years, man. One hundred years, people have been tryn' to find this Royal Merchant, and no one succeeded. And you think you are gonna be the one that actually finds it? You to, Julianne."

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